Rotary issue on toolpath - Linkage

Hi Folk,

Any idea why I can’t generate the rotary G-Code of a customized earphone, the ear canal shape is not as should do. Looks like I have a missunderstanding of a certain option. According the “Library” lion file I’m almost less compicate in term of detail.

2022-04-30 23_44_53-Issue - Word

Thanks for your help,

Two suggestions. First, make sure that Luban is set to linkage, not rotation. If this isn’t the issue, also try checking the toolpath in case this is just a rendering issue.

One thing to keep in mind, I’m sure they haven’t fixed, is the fact that simulation in luban is never right for linkage. Uncheck simulation and check to view the paths. You’ll get a better representation, or you can load it to workspace to see the toolpath. It’ll give you a better idea of what it’s actually doing.

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Thanks to @bobby4718 and @Skreelink for your suggestion. You right looks a rendreding issue in the simulation, the tootlpath looks fine.
I will performe the job and you all updated.
Thanks till there. :+1:t2:

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