Right side of module won’t retract at all. Not even off the machine

So this is fun. Woke up at 5am to an error saying my right side hot end isn’t retracting. Lost the print, pulled the module and sure enough, right side doesn’t retract at all. Opened a support case. Haven’t heard back anything yet (under 48 hours ago). Really disappointed to not be able to print on a brand new machine.

Not sure if i understand or if you dont know what retraction is…

If you mean extrude, there are many posts in the forum about, i suggest to print the wedge with the left extruder.

If you need more help, pls provide more information, pictures, gcode, video…

No, not extrude. The hot end should retract. the carriage that the hot end sits on moves up and down. A hot end not in use should lift up away from the print. You can easily see this by opening the module door and moving the carriage up and down. For me, the right side doesn’t move and it throws an error. Support has contacted me for logs and to take a video. No, I will not print just from the left. I have a dual filament module to be able to use both sides.

Is it even not moving if you home your machine?

I had a similar problem where broken filament pieces blocked the travel of the nozzle.

I am a user like you and no snapmaker staff.

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I honestly have no idea what is going on. Last night I recreated the scenario for support. Right hot end did not retract during homing. During hot bed calibration the right hot end crashed into the right side of the bed on first calibration row. During XY calibration at step 5 the machine threw error 13-18. I confirmed and the calibration would not finish. I exited and began to print the same Luban generated G-Code that first had the problem. All of a sudden the right hot end is retracting as expected. I didn’t clean anything, I didn’t open anything. I went directly from a failed XY calibration to a print and magically the right hot end began to retract.
I had no filament breaks since using the machine so it shouldn’t be filament blocking movement. But it does appear that something was blocking movement and somehow no longer is. Nothing I did to fix the issue.
The print takes 30 hours so I’m waiting to see if it finishes without another 13-18 error. I will be piecing the scenario together for the support case so they can review and see if they can figure it out.
But on the bright side it seems like the right hot end is behaving once again.
When I first had the problem I pulled the module and remove the got ends. The right carriage wouldn’t move at all. It was extended and stayed extended. The left side moved freely.
Frustrating not to know the cause or the cure but at least it seems to be behaving once more.