I powered on my snap maker this morning so that I could resume my laser cutting project. The snapmaker positioned the the laser right up to the board, it was miles away on the z when I powered off last night. Needless to say, the project was ruined within a minute. 5 hours down the toilet. I tried to pausing to see if i could correct the z depth but theres no option to do that. Im running the latest firmware.
So i think I may no what have went wrong, yesterday waa my first attempt at a project with the laser. The first few attempts i set the laser position manually, i had a few accidents with setting the z height, this would of wrecked what the snapmaker thought was home and i should of rehomed immediately. The last job i had set i used automatic, and it put quite a bit of space between the project, i thought it had done something clever and took into account z step for every pass, it hadnt, it looked like it was doing a good job. Fast forward to today, i power on and resume, it rehomes, then it picks what should actually be the correct z depth, but not the one it had last night. I hope this helps others to avoid this mistake.