Residual little bits of PLA on bed

I feel harassed (OK, maybe it’s not a personal thing) by little residual bits of PLA left stuck on the pinter bed - typically from the skirt bit. It’s really hard to remove and just using the spatula seems to risk scratching the material.

Is there a simple and non-destructive way to remove these little bits? Or does it matter very much? I wondered about freezing the bed or something like that.


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I have destroyed a build plate trying to get some PLA off the bed. I managed to pierce the sticker, and scratch up the bed before I realized what I’d done.

I find I really only have issues when I’m printing at layer height 0.08mm or less. Anything thicker is sturdy enough to come off with the print. 0.04mm or 0.08mm is thin enough that it doesn’t really affect the next print. So I generally just ignore it, and eventually a future print will peel it off. I have a build plate cover, so that makes it easier to ignore.

If it’s really annoying me, I have a calibration square that prints a thin sheet over the whole build plate. That’s usually enough to peel up all the bits.