Replacing Spindle with Router

Has anyone ever looked into replacing the spindle with a router?

I feel like I could design a mount, and leave the existing spindle plugged in (but off to the side) so the snapmaker would still run. The Router would have separate controls anyway. So, no real loss of functionality.

Not sure if frame could handle it, but it hurts to have things take 10 hours that could take 30 mins.

Yes, you absolutely physically can do that.

It will chatter more than can adequately be described here. Also it will break the linear module internals.

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This has been discussed quite a bit.
Try a search.

Summary is as @brent113 said, need to do a lot more than just swap to make it work.

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Thanks! I tried a search and didn’t get any results. I figured it either hadn’t been discussed much or hadn’t been discussed recently.

It already has been done, and requires some extra work and modding.

This facebook links can be of help :slight_smile:

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