Red Ring on brand new Snap Maker Ray

Have a brand new Ray with enclosure. Hooked everything up and went to turn it on. Red ring on the light, can’t get anything to work except for the targeting laser. Lights show as on in the control panel, but enclosure lights and fan do not work. Tried unplugging enclosure just in case it was the problem, still red ring. Checked logs and it appears clean aside from a [I][SYS]raise exception[518,2]

Update/Solved: Enclosure connector was loose.

"[I][SNMKR]Controller SN: 0x66666666!
[I][EFUSE]Got SN:  in blk 3
[W][EFUSE]No available SN in efuse!
[I][SNMKR]report machine info, len[0x25]
[I][HMI]new route id:0, ch:0, ver:1 online!
[I][CNODE]client_node: [0:0] status change 1
[I][SNMKR]Controller SN: 0x66666666!
[I][EFUSE]Got SN:  in blk 3
[W][EFUSE]No available SN in efuse!
[I][SNMKR]report machine info, len[0x25]
[I][MDSVC]module info: count[6], data len[0x70]
[I][HMI]subscribe cmd[1:a0], period[2000]!
[I][HMI]subscribe success!
[I][HMI]subscribe cmd[ac:a0], period[2000]!
[I][HMI]subscribe success!
[I][HMI]subscribe cmd[ac:a5], period[5000]!
[I][HMI]subscribe success!
[E][SNMKR]sdcard is not available, cannot export log!
[E][SNMKR]sdcard is not available, cannot export log!
[I][DBG]logger service startup!
[I][SNMKR]loaded settings!
[I][PLAT]Ray 2023, FW V1.6.0 Compiled at 20231031
[I][PLAT]Compiled with ESP32 SDK:v4.4.4
[I][PLAT]Machine: Snapmaker Ray Controller
[I][PLAT]Driver 0 mode: 2
[I][PLAT]Driver 1 mode: 2
[I][PLAT]Driver 3 mode: 2
[I][WIFI]Connecting smajehen5ghz
[E][WIFI]Cannot connect to smajehen5ghz
[I][SNMKR]Creating system task ...
[I][SNMKR]creating timer for unlocking platform
[I][SNMKR]Done Snapmaker init!
[I][DBG]FS size: 250749/10414241!
[I][DBG]log file: /ray1.log, size: 164562
[I][HMI]Creating HMI receive task 0...[I][HMI]hmi_recv_handler 0 started!
[I][HMI]Creating HMI receive task 1...[I][HMI]hmi_recv_handler 1 started!
[I][HMI]Creating HMI event task...[I][HMI]OK!
[I][HMI]Creating HMI blocked event task...[I][HMI]OK!
[I][HMI]Creating HMI publish event task...[I][HMI]OK!
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[1], length[32]
[I][CNODE]Client node: client node class int
[I][CNODE]Client node: register SACP cmd set and cmd id callback
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[ac], length[8]
[I][CNODE]Client node: register SACP subscription callback
[I][HMI]register route notify cb[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[4], length[2]
[I][LIN]pre init axis[X], endstop state: open
[I][LIN]pre init axis[Y], endstop state: triggered
[I][ENCLO]Enclosure Ray pre_init in
[I][ENCLO]enclosure mutex lock creat success
[I][ENCLO]Enclosure Ray pre_init out
[I][BTN]Done pre_init LED button!
[I][BUZR]Done pre_init of buzzer!
[I][MDSVC]Creating CAN event task OK
[I][MDSVC]CAN event started
[I][L-CAN]doing CAN HAL init...
[I][L-CAN]Driver installed
[I][L-CAN]Driver started
[I][MDSVC]CAN receiver started
[I][MDSVC]Creating CAN receiver task OK
[I][MDSVC]starting scanning modules...
[I][MDSVC]Got module: 0x00a00571
[I][MDSVC]module device id: 20
[I][MDSVC]Module: 0x00a00571 has 21 functions
[I][MDSVC]Add func[008] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[011] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[012] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[013] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[025] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[026] into prio[1]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[027] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[028] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[029] into prio[1]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[030] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[031] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[032] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[060] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[061] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[062] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[063] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[064] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[065] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[066] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[067] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[068] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]fw ver:v1.13.17, len: 10
[I][MDSVC]Got module: 0x00a00571
[I][MDSVC]module device id: 20
[W][MDSVC]got same MAC with another online module: 0x00a00571
[I][MDSVC]Assigning message id...
[I][MDSVC]configured_module: 6
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[13], length[2]
[W][HMI]register cmd set [13] repeatly
[W][HMI]will overwirte handle of [13:1] for ver[1]
[W][HMI]will overwirte handle of [13:2] for ver[1]
[I][ENCLO]Enclosure Ray post_init in
[I][ENCLO]Enclosure Ray HW_VERSION: 0xff
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[15], length[4]
[W][SYS]clear_exception: no exception for owner[518]!
[I][ENCLO]Enclosure Ray post_init out
[I][ENCLO]Enclosure Ray ready!!!
[I][ENCLO]Door Open in initialization!
[I][ENCLO]Configuring LEDC for FAN PWM
[I][BTN]timer led start success
[I][BTN]Done post-init LED button!
[I][BUZR]timer buzzer start success
[I][BUZR]Done post_init of buzzer!
[I][LASER]msg_id_ctrl_switch 3
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[a8], length[6]
[I][LASER]Got 40W laser!
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[12], length[18]
[I][LASER]Enclosure door is opened, limit laser power!
[I][MPSVC]limit laser power to 0 - 2.00
[I][PLAT]max rpm: 20
[I][MDSVC]timer_broadcast start success
[I][SNMKR]SYS STA pre: IDLE, req: IDLE, now: IDLE
[I][SNMKR]vol: 0.26v, hw version: 0
[I][FMGR]File mgr receiver task run!
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[b0], length[8]
[I][SNMKR]Total head: 236296 
[I][SNMKR]Free head: 70564 
[I][SNMKR]Total psram: 8385991 
[I][SNMKR]Free psram: 990131 
[I][CANMD]register cb for cmd of CAN cfg: 0x7
[I][CANMD]register cb for cmd of CAN cfg: 0x9
[I][CANMD]register cb for cmd of CAN cfg: 0x16
[I][SNMKR]CPU temperature: 29.8 C
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[ad], length[4]
[I][UPSVC]Creating upgrade task ... 
[I][SYS]raise exception[518,2]
[I][SNMKR]plat sta: new 0, pre: 0
[I][UPLC]verify_minor_image /em.bin
[E][UPLC]SD /em.bin not exist!
[E][UPLC]SD file /update.bin not exist!
[I][UPLM]backup bin ver: v1.13.17
[I][UPLM]module 20 ver: v1.13.17
[I][GCMD]Tool Head: LASER
[I][LIN]X axis: Open
[I][LIN]Y axis: Open
[I][ENCLO]enclosure check enable
[I][ENCLO]fdm mode check_switch disable
[I][ENCLO]laser mode check_switch enable
[I][ENCLO]cnc mode check_switch disable
[I][ENCLO]enclosure sta: 0x3
[I][ENCLO]enclosure door is open
[I][ENCLO]enclosure light bar light_level: 255
[I][ENCLO]enclosure light fan speed: 0
[I][ENCLO]enclosure light check limit enable
[I][GCMD]Key State: 1
[I][GCMD]Key current: 53mV
[I][GCMD]Lock State: 0
[I][GCMD]CPU temperature: 29.8 C

will switch to sacp!
[I][GCMD]l: 255, n: 0, u: 255, w: 255
[I][SNMKR]Controller SN: 0x66666666!
[I][EFUSE]Got SN:  in blk 3
[W][EFUSE]No available SN in efuse!
[I][SNMKR]report machine info, len[0x25]
[I][HMI]new route id:0, ch:0, ver:1 online!
[I][CNODE]client_node: [0:0] status change 1
[I][SNMKR]Controller SN: 0x66666666!
[I][EFUSE]Got SN:  in blk 3
[W][EFUSE]No available SN in efuse!
[I][SNMKR]report machine info, len[0x25]
[I][MDSVC]module info: count[6], data len[0x70]
[I][HMI]subscribe cmd[1:a0], period[2000]!
[I][HMI]subscribe success!
[I][HMI]subscribe cmd[ac:a0], period[2000]!
[I][HMI]subscribe success!
[I][HMI]subscribe cmd[ac:a5], period[5000]!
[I][HMI]subscribe success!
[I][DBG]/spiffs/ray0.log doesn't exist, check next!
[I][DBG]remove sd log: /ray1.log
[I][DBG]SFS file /ray1.log size: 171797B
[I][DBG]last content packet: 21
[I][DBG]exported /sd/ray1.log, size: 171797B
[I][DBG]/spiffs/ray2.log doesn't exist, check next!
[I][DBG]/spiffs/ray3.log doesn't exist, check next!
[I][DBG]/spiffs/ray4.log doesn't exist, check next!
[I][DBG]/spiffs/ray5.log doesn't exist, check next!
[I][DBG]/spiffs/ray6.log doesn't exist, check next!
[I][DBG]Done exporting!
[I][DBG]+++++ sys time: 22538
[I][DBG]+++++ sys time: 42542
[I][DBG]+++++ sys time: 62544
[I][DBG]+++++ sys time: 82549
[I][DBG]+++++ sys time: 102550
[I][DBG]+++++ sys time: 122559
[I][DBG]logger service startup!
[I][SNMKR]loaded settings!
[I][PLAT]Ray 2023, FW V1.6.0 Compiled at 20231031
[I][PLAT]Compiled with ESP32 SDK:v4.4.4
[I][PLAT]Machine: Snapmaker Ray Controller
[I][PLAT]Driver 0 mode: 2
[I][PLAT]Driver 1 mode: 2
[I][PLAT]Driver 3 mode: 2
[I][WIFI]Connecting smajehen5ghz
[E][WIFI]Cannot connect to smajehen5ghz
[I][SNMKR]Creating system task ...
[I][SNMKR]creating timer for unlocking platform
[I][SNMKR]Done Snapmaker init!
[I][DBG]FS size: 258781/10414241!
[I][DBG]log file: /ray1.log, size: 172518
[I][HMI]Creating HMI receive task 0...[I][HMI]hmi_recv_handler 0 started!
[I][HMI]Creating HMI receive task 1...[I][HMI]hmi_recv_handler 1 started!
[I][HMI]Creating HMI event task...[I][HMI]OK!
[I][HMI]Creating HMI blocked event task...[I][HMI]OK!
[I][HMI]Creating HMI publish event task...[I][HMI]OK!
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[1], length[32]
[I][CNODE]Client node: client node class int
[I][CNODE]Client node: register SACP cmd set and cmd id callback
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[ac], length[8]
[I][CNODE]Client node: register SACP subscription callback
[I][HMI]register route notify cb[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[4], length[2]
[I][LIN]pre init axis[X], endstop state: open
[I][LIN]pre init axis[Y], endstop state: triggered
[I][ENCLO]Enclosure Ray pre_init in
[I][ENCLO]enclosure mutex lock creat success
[I][ENCLO]Enclosure Ray pre_init out
[I][BTN]Done pre_init LED button!
[I][BUZR]Done pre_init of buzzer!
[I][MDSVC]Creating CAN event task OK
[I][MDSVC]CAN event started
[I][L-CAN]doing CAN HAL init...
[I][L-CAN]Driver installed
[I][L-CAN]Driver started
[I][MDSVC]CAN receiver started
[I][MDSVC]Creating CAN receiver task OK
[I][MDSVC]starting scanning modules...
[I][MDSVC]Got module: 0x00a00571
[I][MDSVC]module device id: 20
[I][MDSVC]Module: 0x00a00571 has 21 functions
[I][MDSVC]Add func[008] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[011] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[012] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[013] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[025] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[026] into prio[1]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[027] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[028] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[029] into prio[1]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[030] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[031] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[032] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[060] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[061] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[062] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[063] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[064] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[065] into prio[3]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[066] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[067] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]Add func[068] into prio[2]
[I][MDSVC]fw ver:v1.13.17, len: 10
[I][MDSVC]Got module: 0x00a00571
[I][MDSVC]module device id: 20
[W][MDSVC]got same MAC with another online module: 0x00a00571
[I][MDSVC]Assigning message id...
[I][MDSVC]configured_module: 6
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[13], length[2]
[W][HMI]register cmd set [13] repeatly
[W][HMI]will overwirte handle of [13:1] for ver[1]
[W][HMI]will overwirte handle of [13:2] for ver[1]
[I][ENCLO]Enclosure Ray post_init in
[I][ENCLO]Enclosure Ray HW_VERSION: 0xff
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[15], length[4]
[W][SYS]clear_exception: no exception for owner[518]!
[I][ENCLO]Enclosure Ray post_init out
[I][ENCLO]Enclosure Ray ready!!!
[I][ENCLO]Door Open in initialization!
[I][ENCLO]Configuring LEDC for FAN PWM
[I][BTN]timer led start success
[I][BTN]Done post-init LED button!
[I][BUZR]timer buzzer start success
[I][BUZR]Done post_init of buzzer!
[I][LASER]msg_id_ctrl_switch 3
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[a8], length[6]
[I][LASER]Got 40W laser!
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[12], length[18]
[I][LASER]Enclosure door is opened, limit laser power!
[I][MPSVC]limit laser power to 0 - 2.00
[I][PLAT]max rpm: 20
[I][MDSVC]timer_broadcast start success
[I][SNMKR]SYS STA pre: IDLE, req: IDLE, now: IDLE
[I][SNMKR]vol: 0.26v, hw version: 0
[I][FMGR]File mgr receiver task run!
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[b0], length[8]
[I][SNMKR]Total head: 236296 
[I][SNMKR]Free head: 70528 
[I][SNMKR]Total psram: 8385991 
[I][SNMKR]Free psram: 990131 
[I][CANMD]register cb for cmd of CAN cfg: 0x7
[I][CANMD]register cb for cmd of CAN cfg: 0x9
[I][CANMD]register cb for cmd of CAN cfg: 0x16
[I][SNMKR]CPU temperature: 29.0 C
[I][HMI]apply new handle, cmd set[ad], length[4]
[I][UPSVC]Creating upgrade task ... 
[I][SYS]raise exception[518,2]
[I][SNMKR]plat sta: new 0, pre: 0
[I][UPLC]verify_minor_image /em.bin
[E][UPLC]SD /em.bin not exist!
[E][UPLC]SD file /update.bin not exist!
[I][UPLM]backup bin ver: v1.13.17
[I][UPLM]module 20 ver: v1.13.17
[I][GCMD]Tool Head: LASER
[I][LIN]X axis: Open
[I][LIN]Y axis: Open
[I][ENCLO]enclosure check enable
[I][ENCLO]fdm mode check_switch disable
[I][ENCLO]laser mode check_switch enable
[I][ENCLO]cnc mode check_switch disable
[I][ENCLO]enclosure sta: 0x3
[I][ENCLO]enclosure door is open
[I][ENCLO]enclosure light bar light_level: 255
[I][ENCLO]enclosure light fan speed: 0
[I][ENCLO]enclosure light check limit enable
[I][GCMD]Key State: 1
[I][GCMD]Key current: 53mV
[I][GCMD]Lock State: 0
[I][GCMD]CPU temperature: 29.4 C

will switch to sacp!
[I][GCMD]l: 255, n: 0, u: 255, w: 255
[I][SNMKR]Controller SN: 0x66666666!
[I][EFUSE]Got SN:  in blk 3
[W][EFUSE]No available SN in efuse!
[I][SNMKR]report machine info, len[0x25]
[I][HMI]new route id:0, ch:0, ver:1 online!
[I][CNODE]client_node: [0:0] status change 1
[I][SNMKR]Controller SN: 0x66666666!
[I][EFUSE]Got SN:  in blk 3
[W][EFUSE]No available SN in efuse!
[I][SNMKR]report machine info, len[0x25]
[I][MDSVC]module info: count[6], data len[0x70]
[I][HMI]subscribe cmd[1:a0], period[2000]!
[I][HMI]subscribe success!
[I][HMI]subscribe cmd[ac:a0], period[2000]!
[I][HMI]subscribe success!
[I][HMI]subscribe cmd[ac:a5], period[5000]!
[I][HMI]subscribe success!
1 Like

From source code, it looks like 518 may in fact be referring to the enclosure. Guess something is set as expecting it and not finding it. I’ll poke around enclosure wires some more.

Yeah, it was a loose connector in the enclosure.

1 Like

Make sure to add triple backticks ``` the next time you share a log or gcode.
I updated your post, so no more need to read through.