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The original snapmaker tack, I have to soak them with propanol on a towel a few times once I’ve stuck them to the buildplate, and then increase first layer extrusion, or make first layer slightly smaller than normal layer. After a few decently sized prints, it started working pretty good as long as I didn’t rub oilu fingers on it or something. :grinning:
Good luck, have fun. We are here to help you through this beginning phase! :metal:

I have rotated the design in the X axis and it does not stay in the bed, as I can do to solve the problem. Are there any button combinations?

You could add support or change the intial temperature if the filament doesn’t stick to the heat bed.

I tried to reset my printer as posted in another chat. I now can’t get the nozzle to heat up to the correct temperature and now it is stuck in calibrate mode. I was having problems with heating the nozzle and I couldn’t send the log to my computer as it kept saying I needed to connect it to a USB (which I had done, the printer was connected to my computer by serial port not WiFi). I have no idea what to do. I replaced the nozzle thinking the other one had frizzed but it is still not heating up. I just want to get back to printing and I am frustrated as heck!

is this a snapmaker 2?

sometimes, the pins on the connector that the hotend plugs into have a problem with one of the pins falling out behind it, do you see 3 pins or 4 pins in the connector (print head side)

also, the USB connection, are you using the mini usb or the usb a port

One more has to be said, exporting the log only works to a USB stick.