Quick Swap from Printing 2 Laser

I have back problems and bending over in the enclosure of my A350, removing all the screws to fit the 4 aluminum plates for laser engraving, turned out to be a painfull job for the old guy. I simply bought an extra magneting plate and stuck the Aluminum parts on it with double sided tape.

Maybe i am missing something but it works for the engraving i am doing…

Working on a quick release mechanism for the heads because even the 4 screws on the backside of the printing and laserhead is painfull. :frowning:

Keep you guys posted.

Greetings from rainy Holland


Here is a toolhead switch mechanism, if you want :wink:

It works very well for laser and printing.

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Thanks ! such a fast reply ! rushing to download it.

Only a user like you, sometimes there is luck :wink:
Happy printing!

I also use that quick change attachment for Laser and 3D Printing - works really well. You just need to make sure you get a really good fit on the latch part. The author has multiple versions in the download so you can get this right.

I’ve only had my SM 2 A350 for 4 months and as yet haven’t even taken the CNC head out of the box so no idea how well (or not) the quick release attachment works with CNC.

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A350 and A250 3 sec Quick change Laser Bed / 3D printing 👌

Thanks for that Edwin,

Maybe i am not that stupid after all :). re-inventing the wheel… :rofl:

Hey this is genius! How does it work for calibration though, do you have to calibrate each time you switch the bed? Is there a special way to calibrate?

If you glue several boards together so that it will be easy to install and remove. Users do not need to calibrate the heated bed if they do not remove it from the machine.
