Question about New Linear Rails upgrade?

I just recently upgraded to the new linera rails and power supply. Everything went well. When I did a homing and horrible grinding moise happened. I immediately shut off the machine and did a quick serach here and found out about M502 reset. and it fixed the problem. When I installed the rails and, it immediately did a firmware update. Question is why didn’t the firmware update address that issue and did I miss something somewhere that a M502 has to be performed first? Just wondering…


Because they haven’t released the firmware that contains that patch yet.

No, it’s an undocumented “feature” that happens when you’ve set the steps per mm manually.

Fun fact their “fix” only fixes 1 of 2 vulnerabilities: Confused on settings after executing M502 - #5 by brent113

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Brent, thanks for the response. I thought I missed something somewhere and why would you NOT put it in the documentation when you send out the new rails!

Frankly, because their change management procedures are poor. When they create new products they don’t implement them in a rigorous manner, resulting in bugs and weird edge cases like this.

And then the documentation is neglected, like all programmers are wont to do.


I have been thinking about upgrading for the sake of making the printer quieter because I got the crowdfunded A350 pre-release but I’m on the fence. Are they really quieter and has the feature mentioned above been patched yet?

@gogoboomstick Hey there!
I can recommend you this video on Youtube.
Its in German, so I think you wouldn’t understand the content.
At 19:00 Minutes he compares the old models to the new one and I think there can you hear the diffrence.

Sorry I forgot the link: