Print is perfect. Looks great. About 1" up the proximity switch starts hitting supports and moving the magnetic print bed. 3 times it’s done this. Any advice… thank you.
This isn’t making sense; more details are needed, preferably photos. How is the proximity switch hitting parts of the print when the nozzle is not? The prox switch is supposed to be positioned about 2mm higher than the tip of the nozzle.
Thank you for the response. Not trying to be picky but the manual says it’s supposed to be 1mm above (I’m 95% sure right now). And it is for sure hitting. I have no idea. I realize it shouldn’t be but it is hitting my supports. While traveling from the back of the print to the front. I’ve tried with z hop on, I’ve tried avoid traveling over supports. I can’t remember what else… I’m not by the printer right now I won’t be able to take pictures until later. I paused it after seeing it impact. And I’ve calibrated everything with this thing. It has been nothing but problems and I’m just about over it.
So it’s these circles I have at an angle. When it’s completing the tops of the circles the little flaps start to curl up then it guess
I can only put one picture
The temperature seems to be helping. Thank you for sending this. Nice little reference page. I enclosed my printer and now I’m wondering if that was a good idea
When printing PLA and having problems with material curling on top of the print, enclosing the chamber is generally not a good idea, because the material will cool slower. You want the material to cool faster…
There are other things you can do though.
make sure fan speed is 100%
print slower
lower print temp
enable z-hop
increase layer height
When your bed is changing direction: Does it move up or down at the front and/or back? If so, you may need to tighten the sliders in your Y-linear modules.
This thing keeps messing up… does anyone have a PLA profile that works that I can put in luben.