Hello everyone, new user of a J1S for 48 hours, I noticed that my heating plate was not straight at the ends, it dips downwards! Is this a problem for automatic calibration or not? Who could give me information on the tray on this machine to know if it’s me who is the problem and in this case I will return the machine to Snapmaker where all the trays are like that. New to this forum, I have not yet found if we could post photos on this question. Thank you for your answers. Stephane
I would be more concerned with the rails/sliders being lubricated if I were you
If you want to know the quality of the automatic calibration of your bed/plate, you should probably just go ahead and print a calibration pattern to get an answer to your question. Observ if the width of the printed lines is consistent…
J1 calibration pattern.stl (124.1 KB)
I’m not sure what is reasonable to expect from a snapmaker machine in terms of quality but i would say left side, right side, top side and center area looks perfect. Bottom side looks ok…