Print module and Heated bed non responsive

Today I decided to swap from the Laser module back to the 3D printer module as well as swapping out the metal grates for the Heated bed. All the items have been carefully stored in the origonal packaging in the foam inserts for safety and kept out of reach of accidental harm. Everything seemed to be as per usual until I started my Snapmaker and then headed into the control tab on the display. I first homed the unit as directed by the interface, I then began to attempt to pre heat the Printer head as well as the heated bed as i normally would. I needed to add the filament as like i stated i was using the Laser module. However after a few minuets i noticed that neither the hotend nor the heated bed were raising in temperature at all. So I decided to shut down the machine and remove the power plug and let it sit for a few minuets. I then attempt to do the same process all over again with the same non responsive results. I then decided to check the cabling thinking that could be the issue however the power cable works with the other modules just not the 3D printer module. I then decided to try and swap out the Hotend for the replacement provided thinking that something could be defective. once that was completed i then turned the power back on as i turned it off to do the equipment change. Alas I still am faced with the same non responsive units and I am at a loss for what to do. This unit is very new still and has seen very little use just due to not having the unit for long. If anyone else has had a similar issue or knows what may be the problem and knows of a way to solve said problem please let me know. Its unfortunate to have this piece of equipment non responsive and I now am noticing my enclosures Led lights don’t always want to work unless i reset the power and re start the unit then I am able to get the LED lights and fan to work again but it sporadically stops responding to my inputs at random.

Thank you for your time and consideration and any help you may be able to provide, Have a great day/night

Thank you
Jonathan E.

How are you connected to your machine?
Is there a problem if you preheat the printhead or heated bed with the touchscreen?

It seems you are facing connection issues.

Not sure if this is relevant, but did you “tell” Luban you switched from laser to printing?
It may still “think” you are in laser mode which does not need bed or head warming.

The connected tool head should be identified on the start screen on the Touchscreen and shown as connected with a green dot.