Printing an Australian Native Bee Hive from a new spool of white PETG filament with a 0.04 hot end.
Software and Firmware are all up to date. Build Plate set at 65 degrees. The base came out with some of the filament stringy on the bottom of the print.
The next print was the lower brood box which printed without any problems.
The next print was the lower brood plate with the same thing happening on the base of the print but this time the extruder had moved over to the side of the build plate away from the print and stopped. No broken filament and paused. No image of the brood plate on the Integrated Controller. When I pressed the pause to restart the print, the extruder moved over to the print and stopped. Thought I would go back to this point later and cancel the print.
The next print was the upper brood box and when I checked on the print, it was a mess. Nothing was bonding together.
I changed the Hot Ends over to 0.06 and the build plate temperature up to 70 degrees. The print was going well up until about 3 hours into the print and the extruder had moved to the left side of the build plate and had paused. No image of the upper brood box on the Integrated Controller. Press to restart and the extruder moves over to the print down on the print and stops.