Luban version 4.13.0.
This file has 10 mesh bodies in it and was sent to me as a single 3DMF file. It seems to load correctly into Luban but will not print correctly.
Loading the attached (and all others similar) gives a result where the first object prints correctly, subsequent objects start above the print bed. The first strange thing is that the skirt is only created around the first object (not necessarily the one at the top of the list, but very often the second one. From observation the object with the skirt prints first, but prints more than just one layer, possibly 2 or 3, before going on the next piece. The second object starts to print at the last height printed of the first object and is therefore above the print bed and the filament doesn’t stick of course. If you hide all others, but one, that object, wherever it is on the print bed prints correctly.
If I import the 3DMF file in to Fusion 360 as a mesh file, it splits out the 10 bodies. If I then save these as individual stl files and load them all into Luban at the same time, it creates a list of objects as you would expect and draws the skirt around the whole set of objects. All objects print perfectly. I would say this proves that the fault doesn’t lie with the object meshes or position on the print bed, but with the way Luban processes this type of file. I tried other similar multi body 3DMF files and the result was the same.
Any thoughts? seems like a fixable bug to me. Splitting the file in Fusion is the only workaround I have found other than selecting one object at a time and printing.
I have zipped up the 3DMF file as those seem to be on the not acceptable list for upload.
Multibody (562.8 KB)