Post Gcode Compression

Hello everyone, I recently encountered a problem when I’m printing tall things when slicing through Dremel. You can see that in the slicer previews, it is what the model is supposed to look like, but then the other picture is how it turned out. I tried printing something else but it didn’t seem to have the issue. It looks like it has horizontally compressed (along the y axis) itself and pushed forward during the print. I printed this with the latest firmware for the A250t, could the firmware somehow alter the gcode or the y-axis Linear Module issue since I have seen a lot of problems with that lately on the forum?

It seems your linear module is broken.
What speeds did you print?

What machine do you have, what type of linear modules?- I see a250t, this are the new rails, correct? In this case interchanging with z is not possible…

I printed the resliced gcode with the same parameters and it printed perfectly. I don’t know what happen before… So linear module is working fine.