Please help, I don’t understand what setting I need to adjust

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That’s a moderators job to do, and there’s no good arguments for why a moderator can’t do this.

But anyway;

Print went well yesterday, I will update when I try to make the larger prints I need as that’s where things seem to go wrong.

See you in 3 hours time gentlemen

Perhaps this time you could preheat your buildplate and let it sit for a while before starting the larger print. Also don’t forget to go to your material settings and change the retraction distance…

I always preheat the bed to 65 degrees before starting a print, then let it print on 50 degrees.

But okidoki….retraction time set to 1 and the only other change I have made is set infill to 60% as I need this to be strong (I am printing a 600 ft spool for 35mm film, 35mm film is surprising heavy compared to 16mm and 8mm films, so additional so it needs to be able to withstand the additional torque required for the heavier film. 600ft spool is the maximum size spool possible to fit on a retroscan 2 machine without the motor extension kit)

See you in 3 hours gentlemen

Started out well…until this happened…what the heck seriously

Also why is it printing all the way to the side now?….how do I move it back to the center in workspace?

Still pretty heavy over-extrusion. I don’t know why it is so bad when the default settings almost always under-extrude, but I do know you’re going to have a lot of wasted time with trial and error until you go through all the steps to fully calibrate your machine and tune it for the filament you are running. These machines are unfortunately not plug-n-play.

Yeah understandably I am both confused and irritated at this point, if I had known this thing was so hard to get running right, I would never have bought this. It really should not be this hard to get this thing dialed in correctly. The unimaker (I think that’s what it was called) we had at my previous job didn’t have these issues at all, and I don’t recall these kind of issues with the 3D printer we had at my university back in 2013 either (I don’t remember the brand or model).

Is there a write up anywhere on how to fully calibrate everything on this correctly?

The only one I have seen that actually talked about all of the calibrations is the TeachingTech site you linked to earlier. However, those write-ups are not specific to the Snapmaker, and a few of the calibrations they talk about - such as PID Tune - are not possible on these machines.

I have always thought it was really a shame that the whole customer base and community for nearly all 3D printers are almost completely left to “figure it out on your own” when it comes to calibrations. Though I can kind of see why when there are no industry-wide standards to follow when it comes to conusmer-grade 3D printing.

It looks like a bed warping issue to me. Did you try heated bed leveling? Also You might want to preheat for a longer period of time…

You could probably just buy a glass bed and be good.

Try a other filament and clean the bed with ipa.
Did you level hot with 5x5?
Share your M503 with us to get a idea how flat your bed is or is not.
What speed do you print the first layer?

This is a topic which may help, its for the original machine but its all about starting.

Apologies for just replying now, unfortunately I had to turn this off yesterday and get back to work as this printer is just taking up too much of my time and I do have a business to run.

I’ll try the different calibrations again when I have time later on.

How do I recenter my print? ….if you notice in my last print it started printing way off to the side for some unknown reason.

And by the way, please know I am extremely grateful for your help with this, so thank you once again for all your help so far.

In luban: Click the object, click the move tool, click the “center object” button. You can also use the arows close to the object to move the object manually…

But it is centered in Luban

Looks like this in workspace

Okay after recalibrating the bed (fir the 8th million time) it’s printing in the center again …do I really need to do this between every print?

No, you shouldn’t normally need to.

Hmm….I don’t know guys…

Nozzle: 205c
Bed: 65c

Since there’s clearly some kind of bug or “unexpected behavior” going on here….what setting would you recommend I try to play around with to try to counter act what it’s doing here?

And please, if I can ask you to specify which exact settings in what specific menu you’re referring to, as there seem to be several printer settings menus (or at least menus that affect the printer settings)