Persistent M412 S0 - Keep filament runout detection off after power off

Did anybody find a way to keep the filament runout switch off after powercycling the machine?
I tried

M412 S0

Didn’t help…

If you are on single extruder, you could unplug the sensor on the pcb board inside the 3dp-housing.

I know, but I want to have 100% control over it with g-code for a project I’m working. It’s quite a bit of extra trickery to keep the sensor happy otherwise.
Guess it’s another ticket :slight_smile:

Which toolhead do you use?
Maybe there is another firmware bug about dual extrusion toolhead? :thinking:

In case you turn it off on hmi, is it saved properly?

Single extruder,
I didn’t find the option of turning it off via HMI at first glance. Gotta double check and try.

I coudn’t find the setting in touchscreen, do you have it?

Oh, i cant either find it, i guess it was under preferences 3dp settings in a past firmware, maybe before dualextruder…

Edit: Unfortunately i cant find any post about a hmi setting, sorry for this…

Maybe this helps: