Hi guys, i work in an office and my snapmaker is located right where people rest in lunch time, but i have to print a model, can i start the printing and pause during the lunch time and return after that? Probably 2 hours max, idk if this can bring me some issues on the 3d print, thanks!
You can pause prints BUT I am not sure if restarting it after 2 hours will not cause print issues. May be better to do a test on a couple of layers and see how that goes. Saves wasting filament too.
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You may have issues with layer adhesion at the stop/restart point. As @Anbro says, test it with a minimal print.
Printing overnight might be a feasible alternative, but you’ll want to set up some kind of remote monitoring and power cutoff to protect against accidents.
Ill leave it working at night, my only problem is the lunch time, i don’t wanna bother anyone
Plenty of people pause with no problems. Some overnight.
You are always increasing the chance of something going wrong when you pause, but you should be fine.
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