Print pauses and resumes with smaller parts/objects

Hey all, I had recently started using the Snapmaker again and the printer started to do something weird. It would print fine for the most part, but when it went on to print something that was smaller than 10mm in width it would begin to pause, move nozzle away and then go back and resume. I tried reverting back to default settings but it is still doing the same thing. If anyone has an idea of what is going on I would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks for looking.

Video to Problem

I haven’t used Luban in a while, but that’s a feature not a bug. It’s a slicer features (Luban), not a firmware feature. If it wasn’t doing that, you’d want to add a second part to force it to basically do that.

When you’re printing, you want the filament to cool some between layers, but not too much. You want the filament solid but still warm so the next layer will print and adhere. If you print too quickly (ie, a very small layer), and the print head stays above the work the whole time, the filament never sets. After 10-15 layers like that, you’ll be printing melted filament on top of still melted filament, and things will go (literally) sideways.

If you really want to override it, look for something like Minimal Layer Time.

Given the length of the pause, if you’re printing a lot of those, you can probably print 2 of them at once, for only a bit longer wall clock time. Having the second part will cause the print head to move away, giving you the desired cooling without wasting printing time.


Thank you very much for the explanation clewis! At first I changed the Minimal Layer Time and it worked, but then it was printing SUPER FAST lol. After some more searching and testing I have discovered that “Retract at Layer Change” was turned on. Now I can go on to fine tune some other settings. I appreciate you!