Ordering replacement supplies in USA?

I am in the USA and I have a Snapmaker 2.0 coming to me soon.

When I need to order replacement supplies like 3D printer filament, are those supplies shipped from a storage facility in the USA, or do we have to wait weeks for them to be shipped over-seas??

The general advice here is not to order filament from Snapmaker; it’s not particularly good quality. SM has no consumables that are proprietary; they’re all available elsewhere.

That said, SM has no separate US distribution that I’ve seen here. If they get successful, they’ll need one, because customer service is currently their biggest downfall. It’s worse than Luban, and that’s saying a lot.

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If they get successful, they’ll need one, because customer service is currently their biggest downfall. It’s worse than Luban, and that’s saying a lot.

This is exactly what I am concerned about, and the reason I was asking. Indeed, filament is easy to grt anywhere. What if I need a new print nozzle, or a new laser or milling head? Wait 6 weeks to ship a new one over-seas? Not cool.

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Nozzles are standard MK8, so you don’t need to wait on that.

All the machine parts, work heads, linear modules, etc., they’re all proprietary and need shipment from China.

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“Nozzles are standard MK8”

Well, I’ve never owned a 3D printer (of this type) before, so I don’t know what “Standard MK8”, but I assume by that language, you’re indicating I could buy a replacement nozzle from various supply sources here in the USA, and it would fit and work properly… Same wire connections, same mounting geometry, correct heat capacity, correct nozzle threads, etc.

It would be nice if someone made a cheatsheet with links of where to buy the various commodity/replacement parts in USA, so each new user doesn’t have to start over with their own discovery process. Perhaps from verified interchangeable parts lists, with vendor links.

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The nozzle is just the little brass piece where the plastic comes out. It screws into an assembly called the hot end. The nozzle is generic; the hot end is proprietary. MK8 nozzles are less than $0.50 each in small batch quantity.

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I see a link in the “store” for what must be the proprietary nozzle:

So, If I ordered this today and need it shipped to Alabama USA, I wonder how long I’d have to wait before it arrives?

Anywhere from 1-4 weeks.
Most stuff I’ve gotten in just around 2.
Parts ship by air. Shipping still messed up by covid. So it varies a little depending on where you are and who they actually ship with.


robotshop.com does have a US store with some Snapmaker-branded parts and consumables, but the hot end for the Snapmaker2 isn’t on their list at the moment (they do have the one for the Snapmaker Original). It might be worth asking them if they ever intend stocking the new-generation machines or their parts.

I got this in an email from Edwin via support on October 28:
We will ship about one hundred linear modules to the US for the replacement demands and I think you can get it quickly when those parts arrive at the US.

Maybe a future of locally stocked parts is not so far fetched…

The whole assembly is propriatary but the brass nozzle can be changed. Im not 100% but i think someone changed parts of the hotens to have a all metal hotend and no PTFE tube in the leadin pipe (the silver metal rod in the previewpic on the right)

Yes, @Franky did. FYI: Snapmaker 2 All-Metal Hotend Simple Mod

Hotend, print sticker, filament are readily available

From where? Please elaborate more…

Although much more expensive.


The official snapmaker store is here https://shop.snapmaker.com/

As others have pointed out - you’d be better served to get filament and replacement nozzles on amazon or something

I did want to have spare hot end and print sheet so i did the snapmaker store for that stuff.

I ordered some spare parts like linear modules and a print head, and had to go thru support email to do that. They just made a shipping label today for them actually.

You will pay $7.99 for the part and $24.99 for shipping. It will show up in a few weeks.

I ordere two spare linear rails and they shipped from CA. Contacted Snapmaker and paid via PayPal based on their instructions…

They do seem to be trying to stock some stuff in california now. i had a couple modules come in from CA and then had a box with some hotends come from china (but i think thats because i asked for some extra hotend connectors which they gave me at no charge as long as i paid shipping and suggest i buy some stuff to make it worh the hassle)

snapmaker is slowly starting to level off and become better, faster and more efficient.