One corner of bed too high


I’m trying to dial in the Artisan, and I’m focusing on the first layer right now. I’ve done the 9x9 heated bed leveling, z offset and then subsequent z offset sensor calibration (and then had to still increase z offset by at least 0.02 mm), and I’m now doing a first layer print over the entire bed. The first print I did had the first layer too close at the corners, so I added M420 S1 to the start of the g code. That seemed to help, but now one of my corners still has a bad texture bc the hotend is too close to the bed (ridges between lines). Any tips? I’ve tried using Luban, pronterface, and others to send m-codes over serial, but I just get “OK” back in the terminal in Luban, or “bad response” in other programs.

Great if you could print 400x400mm except the missing edge.
A picture could help for diagnosis.

Decreasing the speed could help.
Increase the first layer temperature or layer height could help as well.

Whats your first layer parameters?

Did you try heated leveling and let it sit on the target temperature for approximately +30mins?(This is a workaround on the 2.0, I don’t know the Artisan well so maybe this tip is useless).

Manual Leveling could be a option but this is a ton of work for 9x9 leveling.