I have been working on trying to get this image prepped to engrave into some MDF, I have learned that if i use an SVG file I can set the length and width without them being locked, which is huge for this project. However, after converting all the objects to paths, everything looks good until I hit process. Then I get a bunch of odd lines all over the place.
I cannot figure out what they are or why they are there, I am looking to make sure that they do not impact the laser work which, based off of the g-code in the workspace, it will.
Any help would be most grateful.
Without the .svg file, it’s difficult to make a diagnosis. What program did you use to create it?
(At this point, my guess is that you had spurious white-on-white objects hidden in the file, and/or used Adobe Illustrator, which isn’t great at standards-compliant SVG generation, but I could be utterly wrong.)
This is the file that I have been working with, I have been using Inkscape to create the file, I have checked for odd out of place items, and there appears to be none however I will be the first to admit that I am not a pro at either Inkscape or Luban by any stretch of the term .
Ah, It appears I cannot upload the file in question, at least not at this user level. I have looked and I do not see anything hidden in the background at this point.
Hmm. Did you previously play around with the laser part of Luban, or load a different SVG before this one? (Grasping at straws, here, but I’ve seen some odd persistence issues.)
I am now able to upload the files! So this is what I have been working with, when it is sent as a PNG file there is no issues, other than the fact that I cannot have it sized correctly.
I am hoping that someone see something that I do not.
And now I must beg forgiveness for not seeing the forest from the trees. For some reason there are leftover items in the SVG files that I cannot see or select, so I had to copy all of the parts, create a new Inkscape file and paste them in, and now the odd lines are gone!
Thanks Ellory for taking a look and helping a newbie out.
I seem to have a similar issue with Luban 10.1. The etch files are each brought in as separate grayscale or B&W files, but there is an etched line between them. Any suggestions on how to eliminate that?