I’m noticing that with Octoprint the “actual bed temp” is always displaying as zero.
Looking at the GCODE temp reports I think I see the bed temp, but maybe there is some formatting thing that is preventing it from showing?
Recv: T0:26.50 /0.00 B0:25.69 /0.00 B1:23.50 /0.00 M:29.09 /0.00 T0:26.50 /0.00 T1:27.00 /0.00 @:0 B0@:0 B1@:0 @0:0 @1:0 @B_ZONE: CENTER
I think it’s working as when I start the print the bed temp goes up the bed temp I specify, it’s just not showing in Octoprint.
Here is where I put the bed temp to 70:
“Recv: T0:240.50 /240.00 B0:70.00 /70.00 B1:33.10 /0.00 M:42.71 /0.00 T0:240.50 /240.00 T1:37.50 /0.00 @:127 B0@:0 B1@:0 @0:127 @1:0 @B_ZONE: CENTER”
Any tips?