Octoprint Not Displaying "Actual Bed Temp"

I’m noticing that with Octoprint the “actual bed temp” is always displaying as zero.

Looking at the GCODE temp reports I think I see the bed temp, but maybe there is some formatting thing that is preventing it from showing?

Recv: T0:26.50 /0.00 B0:25.69 /0.00 B1:23.50 /0.00 M:29.09 /0.00 T0:26.50 /0.00 T1:27.00 /0.00 @:0 B0@:0 B1@:0 @0:0 @1:0 @B_ZONE: CENTER

I think it’s working as when I start the print the bed temp goes up the bed temp I specify, it’s just not showing in Octoprint.

Here is where I put the bed temp to 70:

“Recv: T0:240.50 /240.00 B0:70.00 /70.00 B1:33.10 /0.00 M:42.71 /0.00 T0:240.50 /240.00 T1:37.50 /0.00 @:127 B0@:0 B1@:0 @0:127 @1:0 @B_ZONE: CENTER”

Any tips?

I think it’s because of the possibility to heat the bed area-wise.

The inner area of the bed seems to be B0 and the outer area is B1.

Unfortunately I can’t find the setting for this right now.
It should be possible with the plug in “top temp”, this is customizable and you can see a graph as well.

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Thanks! I’ll test that out!

So Top Temp can work. You need to create special reg ex’s to show the temp, but it doesn’t affect the temperature graph. This plugin does the trick of fixing the temperature graph with minimal configuration: OctoPrint-PlotlyTempGraph

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