Above link contains the issue video and images for reference.
Hello everyone and thank you for helping me out.
We have been using our A350T 2.0 since April 2022 and in the past year along with other accessories, we also purchased a Dual extrusion module.
So we have been using the stock 3D printing and Dual extrusion head alternatively and having a quick swap kit makes this change very fluent.
We have recently faced an issue with the bed calibration process for the stock 3D printing module.
what exactly happens is that,
- Once I start the machine with the stock 3D print head attached the machine goes for auto-bed calibration.
- During the calibration process the sensor cannot sense the bed proximity which in turn causes the nozzle to press down on the bed very hard.
- This pressing is so hard that the PEI sheet flexes which we can visually observe.
- The calibration process video and the 3D print head images have been uploaded for reference.
To inform you further,
- We have been using the dual extrusion head without any issues there is no trouble with the calibration process for this module.
- Also we have been printing long hours of models with it.
To resolve this we tried updating the firmware and also to do a manual calibration while starting with the stock 3D print head but we could not enter the menu and select other options once the machine starts with the stock 3D print head attached.
We only have one option which is to perform auto-bed levelling during which the nozzle presses hard against the bed.
Awaiting help.
Thanks & Regards,