[Now compatible with 8-lead] Vibration Compensation Beta Firmware for 2.0 Series: Stable Print Quality at Higher Speed

New ones i think A350T machine, pretty sure they are the 20 units

Any News for the Stable Version??


What layer height where you using for the testprints?

For the Benchy at least, they are using .28 for the first layer and .25 for the consecutive layers (extracted from the gcode):


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Hello, I apologize for insisting, but I would like to know if there is any news about the final version?

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Is this vibration compensation feature only available with this beta firmware version? Is it not included in any of the official versions found elsewhere in this forum?

If I use this beta version, what I am giving up from the newer official versions?

Please update Thread for all news :slight_smile:

After my troubles with the dual extruder and my switch back to single extruder, I decided to install this beta here and the results are really good.
I print some boxes, with normal settings and 30mm/s with my a150t. With this firmware I get better results with 300% speed. So for now I can print 2 boxes with better quality in the same time I recently printed 1. Thatā€™s quite nice.


The official version is expected to be released in May. Sorry I just saw that you mentioned me earlier.


I snooped around a little and found this fork of the Snapmaker firmware: GitHub - 747lulu747/Snapmaker2-Controller at InputShaperHS. Iā€™m not sure, but I suspect this is the source of the high-speed firmware. Would be nice if a Snapmaker employee could confirm :slight_smile: .

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I see you guys released the J1 open source. Where it has the vibration compensation. What about snapmaker?

Hello, any news for final realease???

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The open source release date for the 2.0 vibration compensation is currently uncertain.

Hi John,

We are likely to release a beta version of the vibration compensation firmware that is compatible with 8-lead linear modules (not compatible in the current version) before June. After that, we will release the official version asap based on feedback, embedding the vibration compensation feature into the regular firmware update.

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Thatā€™s cool, thanks! You mentioned in an earlier post that 8 mm leads my skip steps at higher speeds - will this be ā€œsafeguardedā€, i.e. if I print at such high speeds the software flips back to ā€œnormalā€ mode?

With the compatible firmware, 8-lead linear modules will not skip steps and the vibration compenstion will still work when printing at speeds higher than 60mm/s.

Hope this info is helpful.

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Thatā€™s fantastic news!

Software management should prevent the reappearance of an already solved bug. Furthermore Snapmaker should stop using their customers as testers of their firmware and software.
Replace the current programmers by professionals.

ā€¦unless they clearly state itā€™s Beta, like with the Vibration compensation firmware. I have no objections to be an early tester if I choose to be.

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When will it be open to the public?