I received some of the new style hotends.
the wiring certainly feels more reliable and rigid, there is also some (not really heated up) heat shrink tubing on it
As we know, its a little narrower. With the silicone sock on it, its 2 mm thinner than the old one from 13.6 to 11.6. the other 2 dimensions match. This will likely make it easier to remove from the 3dp module. I don’t know what kind of impact it might have on the temperature, perhaps since there is less aluminum it will be a little hotter?
the thermistor wire is securely in the hole (altho i dont see any compound)
but something i noticed that i did not before is the heatbreak itself is also different
it no longer has wrench flats on it. could just be a tolerance thing but the champher to the inlet for the filament looks a little sharper, and it looks like its minor OD is actually smaller too, from 4.25 to 4 mm
comparing it to a brand new older one, i will say that the nozzle looks to be a little nicer. it also seems to be a bit different for another reason, the hole looked a little larger than the other one i had.
I grabbed a .4 nozzle needle and it fit nicely in the new one, and didnt quite fit in the old one. it could be that there is just a burr on the old one that would wear off rather quick, but it is a noticable difference.
on the wrench flat business, i theorize that they were instructed to have the flats parallel with the aluminum body in the factory to make it fit easier in the 3dp module. however, i think this was probably causing them not to be able to tighten it down very much, which is the the nozzle and heatbreak threads were leaking.
i kind of liked the flats, but i can see the value of doing away with them.
So while it may not seem like much I feel like they spent some time thinking about what to do differently and its a good sign to me.
Finally, the new hotend has its own dedicated part number. Coming from the standpoint of being in manufacturing, I feel like that is a positive thing for keeping track of whats what. Sometimes its not worth the hassle to do that and sometimes it is. Inventory control is a skill.
At first, i thought it had a dedicated part number… however, each hotend has its own number on it… so these are actually some kind of serial number for the hotend??? thats crazy talk. surely some apart of it is universal between the two, some part is the old version vs the new version, and then the rest are the individual numbers… which is really nuts to me and rather impressive to be honest! I wonder if ALL their parts have some kind of system on there for knowing what batch its from and stuff or if they learned their lesson from the rails failing. kudos to that though, very awesome. i wish i could accomplish that at our factory lol.
The item description, however, does say for 2.5 instead of the old style being 2.0.
So @stefix can you share any experiences with the updated cooling system?