Multiple LASER Issues

I own an A350 with the original 1.6watt laser. I haven’t used my laser in awhile, so when I updated from V.1.12 to the new firmware I didn’t think anything of it. Since then, at every stage of trying to engrave a photo I have had issues.

The first issue is that I’ve never really gotten the auto-focus to work. It ALWAYS fails, so I manually set the height to roughly 6mm above the surface I’m engraving. Otherwise, the auto-focus tries to set the height to roughly 76mm above the surface. Not a big deal here as I have consistently been able to engrave by manually setting the height but this issue has never been resolved.

The second issue is that I usually can send prints/engravings over wifi but for whatever reason this fails often and I need to disconnect my machine from Luban and reconnect and try again. Often, I will just use a USB stick because I’m impatient at trying to get the wifi to take the file.

The third and main issue is the real reason I am posting this. I am having an issue with the laser not completing this engraving. It stops at 77 percent and says it is complete. I have tried remaking the file in Luban and updating the firmware to the latest but still having problems.
Has anyone else had this issue?

Laser Photo

Original Photo

Can’t catch all problems at once I think.

  • I think but don’t know it for the 1.6W Laser, you should be able to set the height of the work piece and the toolhead then gets to the correct focal length. There is a setting in laser settings or so where you can set the focal length on the touchscreen. Is your bed modified in any way?
  • Update Luban to the latest version, there were changes in gcode translation, so firmware and luban must be on the same state.
  • Export your logs and share it here or over a fileshare of your choice.