Misaligned Layers, Nozzle Nudges and Thermonuclear Meltdowns

Okay, heres how she came out:

as mentioned the skirt got tangled from lesser priming (or my lack of ability to avoid needing it)

the z gap is gone, so thats a valuable lesson learned - perimeters can cost more than filament and time.

heres some photos, perhaps you will see something

before i took it off the sheet i took a couple, heres the better one


X gon give it to ya


y do i keep doing this to myself


bottoms up


i dont think its too terrible, but i think it definately needs some love.

maybe i should go ahead and try that backlash compensation.

at least it worked!

now i will apply my newly discovered knowledge and return to my over primed mess and reduce perimeters and then go from there. experimenting with more overlap stuff, and im rather curious about the allowed perimeter overlap setting and going to set it to some super high value to see what it does, but only after the 3 perimeter print

baby steps

I think if you look, that was probably with 0.02mm backlash comp. Honestly looks good to me. Probably z height could maybe be 0.025mm closer to the bed for the first layer. Top looks good to me.

I think the settings are in the file, something to reference against.

I will disect the gcode and look into a microadjustment on my z offset, and maybe i should practice my calibration a bit. i did sort of feel it was a bit high but i was using the jog screen since it was the 11 x 11 and it didnt have any smaller increments, shoulda used luban for that or gcode at that point i might have been a bit low, but ill try to bump it the .05 and see how it goes at least

i believe your cube did look significantly better and i am going to attribute it to the backlash once i confirm its present. i was being particularly picky from frustration.

Thank you for your assistance as always!

All right, more documentation of events

So, i took your cube as printed and adjusted my cube to the settings i usually like to use plus the fewer perimeters

They both seem pretty nice, but its interesting that some defects in one are not present in the other

I am very excited to dig deep into the gcode you provided to try to see where i differ and try to make some adjustments

so for example on Z, i still have a littttle bit of a gap (in yet another location even), but its waay better. also have a bit of surface problems, not sure if its more of an overlap or an extrusion issue, but im going to find out tomorrow for sure:

next we have X which is quite fascinating to me
here we have circled on the brent cube in the top right corner a tiny bit of jaggedness, i circled that to compare it to mine which has several extra jagged edges and also duplicate on the bottom edge, which def seems like the backlash comp is helping with

i also have some ringing on the left of my cube, however the brent cube has some hair that is not present on the moose cube on the upper right X. ignore the bottom stuff on there thats from the skirt failure

outside of these notes, they are nearly identical, including the hair on X’s lower intersection. really neat stuff

Y is rather unremarkable, the photo doesnt capture well but there is some ringing on both of them. The Y has similar hair to the X. beyond that the same flaws exist in the jaaggedness, with yours being lesser than mine

The bottom side is also close but the brent cube is nicer in terms of overall fill, and mine has a defect from something

i’ll spare the details of the blank sides, suffice it to say, they are not very remarkable outside of ringing.

i guess in reality, at least in terms of my settings, it seems i am nearly at the limit of improvements, at least for a calibration cube. anything else is machine specific such as play in the modules or the bed.

i will do another print after close review of your settings to compare as well

in reality, it should come as no surprise my print is similar to yours… i started with your profile anyhow :joy:

in short, my lessons for the day are - careful with your perimeters and realize the fine details on the gcode preview might leave hints that something may not come out right instead of only showing glaringly obvious things

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Before moving on to trying to figure out my next problem on the machine, I wanted to document my bed a little bit.

Cold 5x5 Grid:

others < 0 1 2 3 4
others < 0 +6.521 +6.891 +7.214 +7.396 +7.570
others < 1 +6.535 +6.982 +7.346 +7.635 +7.882
others < 2 +6.494 +6.970 +7.325 +7.702 +8.011
others < 3 +6.360 +6.870 +7.287 +7.615 +7.872
others < 4 +6.099 +6.619 +7.140 +7.457 +7.722

Max Deviation: 1.912

Pre-heated 5x5 Grid:

others < 0 1 2 3 4
others < 0 +6.407 +6.800 +7.157 +7.360 +7.536
others < 1 +6.524 +6.982 +7.357 +7.648 +7.870
others < 2 +6.513 +6.992 +7.353 +7.690 +7.951
others < 3 +6.423 +6.898 +7.282 +7.559 +7.729
others < 4 +6.188 +6.617 +7.056 +7.295 +7.492

Max Deviation: 1.763

As you can tell, the heat shifted this a lot as anticipated. Some of the wider differences balanced out a bit from the heat.

This helped me print alot, but - the sheet is cooling while the calibration is preformed, so it is also likely shifting back during the procedure.

So, lets try a larger scale probing, shall we?

Cold 11 x 11 Calibration:

others < 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
others < 0 +6.485 +6.626 +6.752 +6.910 +7.022 +7.154 +7.252 +7.306 +7.385 +7.462 +7.515
others < 1 +6.500 +6.664 +6.790 +6.950 +7.094 +7.205 +7.332 +7.457 +7.527 +7.620 +7.690
others < 2 +6.462 +6.666 +6.826 +7.004 +7.129 +7.261 +7.409 +7.500 +7.624 +7.762 +7.804
others < 3 +6.475 +6.647 +6.821 +6.989 +7.144 +7.279 +7.415 +7.524 +7.680 +7.780 +7.859
others < 4 +6.426 +6.632 +6.784 +6.969 +7.139 +7.251 +7.407 +7.542 +7.671 +7.824 +7.926
others < 5 +6.427 +6.647 +6.824 +7.006 +7.139 +7.275 +7.446 +7.566 +7.701 +7.839 +7.946
others < 6 +6.385 +6.609 +6.801 +6.964 +7.115 +7.261 +7.407 +7.547 +7.689 +7.801 +7.899
others < 7 +6.346 +6.566 +6.744 +6.927 +7.074 +7.236 +7.400 +7.489 +7.634 +7.779 +7.841
others < 8 +6.272 +6.494 +6.662 +6.874 +7.050 +7.194 +7.354 +7.460 +7.605 +7.722 +7.780
others < 9 +6.184 +6.391 +6.592 +6.810 +7.002 +7.155 +7.295 +7.416 +7.551 +7.664 +7.724
others < 10 +6.072 +6.282 +6.500 +6.705 +6.934 +7.097 +7.229 +7.349 +7.486 +7.582 +7.696

Maximum Deviation: 1.874 (possibly more, thats just a quick look for largest and smallest) A bit smaller deviation than the cold 5 x 5, but I think we can chalk that up to backlash and repeatability.

Now, to preform a pre-heated 11 x 11 calibration seems like it would be for moot - the bed would be cool far before the calibration was completed, so

i will run the next with the heated bed forced on (which may or may not cause the sensors to inconsistently read the distance from the bed depending on the current status of the heater on the bed since it will be shifting on and off based on the actual temperature)

Heated 11 x 11 Calibration Grid:

others < 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
others < 0 +6.355 +6.564 +6.725 +6.909 +7.055 +7.177 +7.287 +7.341 +7.399 +7.471 +7.509
others < 1 +6.651 +6.822 +6.950 +7.111 +7.249 +7.347 +7.495 +7.612 +7.687 +7.787 +7.742
others < 2 +6.622 +6.845 +6.987 +7.164 +7.297 +7.415 +7.571 +7.675 +7.785 +7.906 +7.887
others < 3 +6.620 +6.810 +6.987 +7.155 +7.305 +7.445 +7.586 +7.694 +7.842 +7.937 +7.977
others < 4 +6.589 +6.797 +6.944 +7.134 +7.301 +7.412 +7.580 +7.711 +7.826 +7.975 +8.055
others < 5 +6.577 +6.805 +6.980 +7.169 +7.305 +7.437 +7.609 +7.737 +7.860 +7.987 +8.089
others < 6 +6.544 +6.762 +6.950 +7.130 +7.287 +7.426 +7.582 +7.706 +7.829 +7.949 +8.035
others < 7 +6.497 +6.731 +6.906 +7.095 +7.256 +7.402 +7.569 +7.667 +7.790 +7.922 +7.966
others < 8 +6.417 +6.665 +6.844 +7.047 +7.217 +7.366 +7.527 +7.636 +7.777 +7.871 +7.886
others < 9 +6.331 +6.557 +6.739 +6.957 +7.145 +7.289 +7.444 +7.570 +7.692 +7.820 +7.810
others < 10 +6.196 +6.402 +6.605 +6.821 +7.035 +7.195 +7.335 +7.444 +7.566 +7.671 +7.754

Maximum deviation: 1.893 (at a quick glance, maybe more)

I feel that is a believable difference personally despite the potential for the heater going on and off. It likely has a slight variant to it.

Also, had I not preheated and calibrated, I sincerely doubt that i would be using the majority of the build plate. Which i wasn’t.

I haven’t tried to max it out yet, but I am getting a lot more consistency than I was in a larger area.

For best results, the nozzle is supposed to be around .1 mm above the build plate and my build plate varies by nearly 2 mm.

To summarize the findings above, what the fuck Snapmaker?

Surely they know this is an issue. Just like they know the black spool in the box is garbage and will ruin your print sheet and or hotend, and just how they know the printed manuals in the box are bad but continue to ship as is anyhow.

I mean I guess I don’t blame them entirely. I wouldn’t want to be eating reprinting the full color manual, or paying someone to unpack all the boxes to swap out the filament, but why don’t we have a warning about these things or have an official solution to the bed being so wonky ready to go?

I’m currently fighting with them about linear modules and haven’t even tried to bother them about this yet. They are going to hate me by the time I have this thing running properly.

I can’t wait for my Pi to show up and set up this bed visualization. So many people have problems with prints on the bed for all sorts of reasons and its so hard to get people to understand WHY they have problems.

For now, material change = custom calibration on optimal bed temperature every time.

Now to figure out how to get these awkward ball socket parts to print properly…

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Have you trammed the X axis? Looks like there’s a consistent slope from side to side.

Do something like this photo and repeat?: Carriage Tolerances - Unusable Over Distance >75mm From Center

I’d expect your side to side deviation will be smaller.

I massaged your numbers and got a maximum deviation of 0.657mm

To get that I computed the average slope (0.139mm/sample from left to right) and subtracted the slope off the measurement of each point.

Delta L-> R									
+0.209	+0.161	+0.184	+0.146	+0.122	+0.110	+0.054	+0.058	+0.072	+0.038
+0.171	+0.128	+0.161	+0.138	+0.098	+0.148	+0.117	+0.075	+0.100	-0.045
+0.223	+0.142	+0.177	+0.133	+0.118	+0.156	+0.104	+0.110	+0.121	-0.019
+0.190	+0.177	+0.168	+0.150	+0.140	+0.141	+0.108	+0.148	+0.095	+0.040
+0.208	+0.147	+0.190	+0.167	+0.111	+0.168	+0.131	+0.115	+0.149	+0.080
+0.228	+0.175	+0.189	+0.136	+0.132	+0.172	+0.128	+0.123	+0.127	+0.102
+0.218	+0.188	+0.180	+0.157	+0.139	+0.156	+0.124	+0.123	+0.120	+0.086
+0.234	+0.175	+0.189	+0.161	+0.146	+0.167	+0.098	+0.123	+0.132	+0.044
+0.248	+0.179	+0.203	+0.170	+0.149	+0.161	+0.109	+0.141	+0.094	+0.015
+0.226	+0.182	+0.218	+0.188	+0.144	+0.155	+0.126	+0.122	+0.128	-0.010
+0.206	+0.203	+0.216	+0.214	+0.160	+0.140	+0.109	+0.122	+0.105	+0.083
Average Slope								
Slope Corrected Measurements										
+6.216	+6.286	+6.307	+6.352	+6.359	+6.342	+6.313	+6.227	+6.146	+6.079	+5.978
+6.512	+6.544	+6.532	+6.554	+6.553	+6.512	+6.521	+6.498	+6.434	+6.395	+6.211
+6.483	+6.567	+6.569	+6.607	+6.601	+6.580	+6.597	+6.561	+6.532	+6.514	+6.356
+6.481	+6.532	+6.569	+6.598	+6.609	+6.610	+6.612	+6.580	+6.589	+6.545	+6.446
+6.450	+6.519	+6.526	+6.577	+6.605	+6.577	+6.606	+6.597	+6.573	+6.583	+6.524
+6.438	+6.527	+6.562	+6.612	+6.609	+6.602	+6.635	+6.623	+6.607	+6.595	+6.558
+6.405	+6.484	+6.532	+6.573	+6.591	+6.591	+6.608	+6.592	+6.576	+6.557	+6.504
+6.358	+6.453	+6.488	+6.538	+6.560	+6.567	+6.595	+6.553	+6.537	+6.530	+6.435
+6.278	+6.387	+6.426	+6.490	+6.521	+6.531	+6.553	+6.522	+6.524	+6.479	+6.355
+6.192	+6.279	+6.321	+6.400	+6.449	+6.454	+6.470	+6.456	+6.439	+6.428	+6.279
+6.057	+6.124	+6.187	+6.264	+6.339	+6.360	+6.361	+6.330	+6.313	+6.279	+6.223
MAX	    MIN	    DEV								
+6.635	+5.978	+0.657								

you are doing this in order to adjust the level by loosening the brackets on the Z rail from the X rail and using the slop to shift a bit?

I’m not really sure I understand what you’re saying. There’s no slop in this. You have the right Z tower X axis mount higher or lower than the left Z tower X axis mount, so the X axis is skewed.

You need to make them the same height.

You can do that by referencing the left and right sides of the X axis off the Y linear modules. With the steppers off push them down onto a reference spacer. If it’s springy and won’t stay then you’ll have to loosen up the screws on the Z towers to remove the tension, then retighten.

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hmm okay, i had meant like the clearance on the holes from the bracket to accomodate for it, but

I will have to try to fiddle with this i guess

i dont know how it could be adjusted without a shim or something, but ill try to fiddle with the screws first.

With the machine off, push down on the right side of the X axis. It will move, the left won’t. You’re rotating the axis to be aligned with the table.

With a real mill it’s done with this:
You rotate the head so that it’s perpendicular to the table.

This machine can’t adjust the table along the Y axis easily, but it’s very easy to adjust the tool along X by pushing the Z towers up and down individually.

ohh, i thought you had meant the pillar on the right was higher than the pillar on the left

you are saying that although the two rails are attached and work together, one of them is a little different than the other in terms of its elevation on the z rail, and the machine is just working off of one of the limit switches to decide when to stop moving

  1. yes, only 1 limit switch is used
  2. the machine can’t move the left and right z towers separately regardless because of the splitter.

This is something that has to be done manually, by you

Yes, i understand now!

This is good stuff, thank you brent

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Clarified above, it’s the Z tower X axis mounts, not the Z tower itself.

I see what you were saying - glad we got there eventually :stuck_out_tongue:

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So i am finding an issue with the way my machine is procesing g-code

I cant quite put my finger on it, but essentially the machine appears to run the hottest temperature on the gcode whenever it feels like it.

as you can see here it is assigned at 260, the black console text doesnt show it here but it does confirm its going on 260 in the text. but its supposed to be 235 here per the gcode!

At first I thought that it was the temp tower from the web site just acting up, so i tried to make a custom file on simplify3d with the variable settings wizard up top splitting it into several processes and manually adjusting each process.

220 to 260 is the temp range in 5 degree increments

so anyhow, the print started at 260 so i said ugh i must have done it upside down. and cancelled it.

so i go through and change all the processes, started the print, went outside to smoke and came back and it was on 260 again, then i let it finish that section and it switched to 255.

So i grunted loudly like a barbarian and instead reworked the method by using simplify3ds ability to assign temp changes at a layer.

Started the job and and here i am again 260 degrees.

So I am wondering what the heck is going on with this thing.

Here is the start of the gcode:

; G-Code generated by Simplify3D® Version 4.1.2
; Jan 4, 2021 at 9:43:29 PM
; Settings Summary
; processName,Process1
; applyToModels,Temp_tower_PETG
; profileName,Brian’s A350 (modified)
; profileVersion,2021-01-03 12:05:42
; baseProfile,Default
; printMaterial,Pet G Temp Tower
; printQuality,Medium
; printExtruders,
; extruderName,Extruder 1
; extruderToolheadNumber,0
; extruderDiameter,0.4
; extruderAutoWidth,1
; extruderWidth,0.48
; extrusionMultiplier,1.03
; extruderUseRetract,1
; extruderRetractionDistance,1
; extruderExtraRestartDistance,0
; extruderRetractionZLift,1
; extruderRetractionSpeed,4200
; extruderUseCoasting,0
; extruderCoastingDistance,0.5
; extruderUseWipe,1
; extruderWipeDistance,5
; primaryExtruder,0
; layerHeight,0.16
; topSolidLayers,3
; bottomSolidLayers,3
; perimeterOutlines,3
; printPerimetersInsideOut,1
; startPointOption,2
; startPointOriginX,0
; startPointOriginY,0
; sequentialIslands,0
; spiralVaseMode,0
; firstLayerHeightPercentage,150
; firstLayerWidthPercentage,110
; firstLayerUnderspeed,0.3
; useRaft,0
; raftExtruder,0
; raftTopLayers,3
; raftBaseLayers,2
; raftOffset,15
; raftSeparationDistance,0.1
; raftTopInfill,100
; aboveRaftSpeedMultiplier,0.3
; useSkirt,1
; skirtExtruder,0
; skirtLayers,1
; skirtOutlines,12
; skirtOffset,0.75
; usePrimePillar,0
; primePillarExtruder,999
; primePillarWidth,12
; primePillarLocation,7
; primePillarSpeedMultiplier,1
; useOozeShield,0
; oozeShieldExtruder,999
; oozeShieldOffset,2
; oozeShieldOutlines,1
; oozeShieldSidewallShape,1
; oozeShieldSidewallAngle,30
; oozeShieldSpeedMultiplier,1
; infillExtruder,0
; internalInfillPattern,Rectilinear
; externalInfillPattern,Rectilinear
; infillPercentage,5
; outlineOverlapPercentage,21
; infillExtrusionWidthPercentage,100
; minInfillLength,5
; infillLayerInterval,1
; internalInfillAngles,45,-45
; overlapInternalInfillAngles,0
; externalInfillAngles,45,-45
; generateSupport,0
; supportExtruder,0
; supportInfillPercentage,20
; supportExtraInflation,1.4
; supportBaseLayers,1
; denseSupportExtruder,0
; denseSupportLayers,0
; denseSupportInfillPercentage,70
; supportLayerInterval,1
; supportHorizontalPartOffset,0.5
; supportUpperSeparationLayers,1
; supportLowerSeparationLayers,1
; supportType,1
; supportGridSpacing,1
; maxOverhangAngle,47
; supportAngles,45
; temperatureName,Extruder 1 Temperature,Heated Bed
; temperatureNumber,0,0
; temperatureSetpointCount,10,1
; temperatureSetpointLayers,1,2,68,130,193,256,316,382,443,506,1
; temperatureSetpointTemperatures,235,220,225,230,235,240,245,250,255,260,70
; temperatureStabilizeAtStartup,1,0
; temperatureHeatedBed,0,1
; fanLayers,1,3
; fanSpeeds,0,10
; blipFanToFullPower,1
; adjustSpeedForCooling,1
; minSpeedLayerTime,10
; minCoolingSpeedSlowdown,20
; increaseFanForCooling,1
; minFanLayerTime,45
; maxCoolingFanSpeed,30
; increaseFanForBridging,0
; bridgingFanSpeed,100
; use5D,1
; relativeEdistances,0
; allowEaxisZeroing,1
; independentExtruderAxes,0
; includeM10123,0
; stickySupport,1
; applyToolheadOffsets,0
; gcodeXoffset,0
; gcodeYoffset,0
; gcodeZoffset,0
; overrideMachineDefinition,1
; machineTypeOverride,0
; strokeXoverride,320
; strokeYoverride,340
; strokeZoverride,320
; originOffsetXoverride,0
; originOffsetYoverride,0
; originOffsetZoverride,0
; homeXdirOverride,-1
; homeYdirOverride,-1
; homeZdirOverride,-1
; flipXoverride,1
; flipYoverride,-1
; flipZoverride,1
; toolheadOffsets,0,0|0,0|0,0|0,0|0,0|0,0
; overrideFirmwareConfiguration,1
; firmwareTypeOverride,RepRap (Marlin/Repetier/Sprinter)
; GPXconfigOverride,r2
; baudRateOverride,115200
; overridePrinterModels,0
; printerModelsOverride
; startingGcode,M425 X0.035 Y0.035 Z0.035 F1 S0,M104 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; Set temps,M140 S[bed0_temperature],G28 ; home all axes,M109 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; Wait for temps,M190 S[bed0_temperature],M900 K0.06 ;Linear Advance K-Factor,G92 E-1 ; Prime,G1 E1 F200
; layerChangeGcode,
; retractionGcode,
; toolChangeGcode,
; endingGcode,G92 E2 ; Extra retract,;G1 E0 F200 (ORIGINAL FROM BRENT),G1 E-5 F300 ;retract the filament a bit,M104 S0 ; turn off extruder,M140 S0 ; turn off bed,M84 ; disable motors,G28 Z
; exportFileFormat,gcode
; celebration,0
; celebrationSong,Funky Town
; postProcessing,
; defaultSpeed,3000
; outlineUnderspeed,0.5
; solidInfillUnderspeed,1
; supportUnderspeed,1
; rapidXYspeed,4800
; rapidZspeed,1002
; minBridgingArea,50
; bridgingExtraInflation,0
; bridgingExtrusionMultiplier,1
; bridgingSpeedMultiplier,1
; useFixedBridgingAngle,0
; fixedBridgingAngle,0
; applyBridgingToPerimeters,0
; filamentDiameters,1.75|1.75|1.75|1.75|1.75|1.75
; filamentPricesPerKg,46|46|46|46|46|46
; filamentDensities,1.25|1.25|1.25|1.25|1.25|1.25
; useMinPrintHeight,0
; minPrintHeight,1
; useMaxPrintHeight,0
; maxPrintHeight,11.63
; useDiaphragm,0
; diaphragmLayerInterval,20
; robustSlicing,1
; mergeAllIntoSolid,0
; onlyRetractWhenCrossingOutline,1
; retractBetweenLayers,0
; useRetractionMinTravel,0
; retractionMinTravel,3
; retractWhileWiping,1
; onlyWipeOutlines,0
; avoidCrossingOutline,1
; maxMovementDetourFactor,3
; toolChangeRetractionDistance,12
; toolChangeExtraRestartDistance,-0.5
; toolChangeRetractionSpeed,600
; externalThinWallType,1
; internalThinWallType,1
; thinWallAllowedOverlapPercentage,10
; singleExtrusionMinLength,1
; singleExtrusionMinPrintingWidthPercentage,50
; singleExtrusionMaxPrintingWidthPercentage,200
; singleExtrusionEndpointExtension,0.2
; horizontalSizeCompensation,0
M106 S0
M425 X0.035 Y0.035 Z0.035 F1 S0
M104 S235 T0 ; Set temps
M140 S70
G28 ; home all axes
M109 S235 T0 ; Wait for temps
M190 S70
M900 K0.06 ;Linear Advance K-Factor
G92 E-1 ; Prime
G1 E1 F200
; process Process1
; layer 1, Z = 0.240
G92 E0.0000
G1 E-1.0000 F4200
; feature skirt
; tool H0.240 W0.528
G1 Z1.000 F1002
G1 X147.173 Y166.135 F4800
G1 Z0.240 F1002
G1 E0.0000 F4200
G92 E0.0000
G1 X147.629 Y165.752 E0.0323 F900
G1 X148.831 Y164.911 E0.1119

etc etc etc


I was about to say that maybe it was not saving over the original gcode when i re-sent it over and executed, but after the first layer it went to 220 where it belongs!

so where did it get to 260 from??

Is the file like replacing itself partway through the execution of the gcode?


here is the full gcode file since the forum doesnt let you post larger files.

I am getting so frustrated been trying to fight with printing petg for 2 days now this machine just HATES it. finally got it kinda going and wanted to try a temperature tower (which never seems to work for me anyhow even with the blower mod) and then this crap happens, its hard to know if the problem with the fan mod is from this gcode processing issue or the temperature not doing what its told or what

it can’t be a file name issue, at least from the web site, because it downloads the file and then puts (5) or (6) after it, unless its literally just ignoring that part of the file name?

I would email support about this but they are ducking me right now because im waiting on answers on the linear module issue i have so i dont want them to have an excuse to change the subject!

for all i know the fan commands are being ignored and thats my problem for bridging! i had one good temp test from that web page and never again since

Also i was trying to start a job over USB connection by remoting in to my laptop and couldnt help but notice this:


M1001 L unknown command line - that seems pretty out of place to me.

M1001 is not present anyplace in the gcode i sent, so I wonder what it is Luban or the machine is trying to accomplish when executing this command and failing?

The marlin database says its “internal use only” so I can only presume its some custom thing in the firmware that is failing being missed or was removed and they just didnt clean it up when you execute.

The only other reference to M1001 on the entire forum is from a post about using Fusion360 to make CNC code. It was never really addressed and was chalked up to using the wrong post processor. I am using the 3d printer though.

it is atypical for me to execute jobs from anyplace but the touch screen but i was in a hurry this morning and didnt have time to send a job to the machine to run while i was at work. I am really good at over sleeping.

Here is my 11 x 11 grid after installing the glass bed (using the fifix) and trying to do the tramming

others < Bilinear Leveling Grid:
others < 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
others < 0 +7.739 +8.358 +8.433 +8.441 +8.481 +8.445 +8.544 +8.541 +8.546 +8.516 +8.499
others < 1 +8.549 +8.611 +8.671 +8.700 +8.721 +8.760 +8.757 +8.770 +8.799 +8.794 +8.791
others < 2 +8.576 +8.600 +8.675 +8.723 +8.759 +8.796 +8.814 +8.835 +8.869 +8.906 +8.923
others < 3 +8.584 +8.624 +8.670 +8.729 +8.790 +8.819 +8.869 +8.883 +8.959 +8.986 +9.011
others < 4 +8.586 +8.626 +8.703 +8.743 +8.802 +8.873 +8.885 +8.938 +9.013 +9.036 +9.093
others < 5 +8.585 +8.633 +8.688 +8.746 +8.799 +8.855 +8.906 +8.940 +9.006 +9.059 +9.128
others < 6 +8.555 +8.604 +8.712 +8.718 +8.790 +8.859 +8.900 +8.851 +9.026 +9.041 +9.118
others < 7 +8.498 +8.570 +8.644 +8.709 +8.757 +8.734 +8.849 +8.885 +8.965 +9.016 +9.076
others < 8 +8.439 +8.509 +8.560 +8.646 +8.739 +8.765 +8.846 +8.889 +8.920 +8.975 +9.030
others < 9 +8.304 +8.304 +8.551 +8.591 +8.668 +8.746 +8.773 +8.828 +8.901 +8.923 +8.939
others < 10 +8.220 +8.310 +8.420 +8.495 +8.568 +8.621 +8.688 +8.746 +8.796 +8.816 +8.851

kinda weird how the one corner is so far off from the rest, i guess i can attribute it to the glass clamp somehow.

seems sorta kinda levelish maybe but still seems to be sloped some

trying to set up this octo pi so i can visualize this but evidently i purchased too fancy a pi and it has 64 gb processor and its not very compatible with octopi. there is some pre-release versions out that support the 64 bit, but i cant figure out how to use this fucking linux to install the program needed to flash the os

the instructions say install etcher so i download it, and of course why would it execute like a windows app… so i search and search and find some stuff to type into the console but it still didnt like it.

then i see a “have debian? try this instead”: and go thru the effort of typing all those commands in but it doesnt download either.

driving me bananas, fiddled with this for 3 hours but gave up last night… maybe ill try again this evening.

thinking ill buy a pre-installed octoprint os sd card instead if i cant figure this out… might need to buy a new pi that has the 32 bit processor to do that though…

is it normal on a pi for the mouse to move so freaking slow or does the mouse i have just blow? it seems like keyboard responds quick so i dont think its like a resources issue, but maybe it is.

Maybe you should start with a simple Rasbian:

When you have installed this you should enable ssh for remote control.

After that you should not need a screen and keyboard on your raspberry ever again.

You should now be able to connect to your device like described in this tutorial:

Afterwards you can follow this tutorial.

If you have any specific questions, just ask :slight_smile:

OK. I have the raspbian installed, per some process that came built into the sd card allowing me to choose an os

ill look at the ssh section next

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Cool - if you use ssh, you could control your device from your main computer.

  • Install and configure via ssh
  • Do the rest via webbrowser

If you are up and running i’ll explain how you could update your raspbian operating system without the need to connect a screen and a keyboard :slight_smile: