Luban sets temp to 215 even though setting says 190

I have a user defined preset that has the printing temp set to 190 (initial and subsequent layers), yet when the code is run on the SM, the nozzle runs at 215.

Looking at the code, there is a line:

;Start GCode begin
M104 S215

So clearly SM is doing what it is told to do, but the preset has NOTHING in it regarding 215.

This is the json for the preset…

material.hatchbox_pla.def.json (1.7 KB)

Oops, looks like the same bug/issue…

Honestly, there are just so many new bugs and issues in Luban 4.3.2 its eye watering. I’m trying to submit as many of them as I can in GitHub, but its a losing proposition. I have all but given up on considering getting an Artisan. :frowning: