I downloaded Luban in hopes that it would know I have a Snapmaker (original) and would print properly. Cura is great but the newest one has has settings I don’t understand. However, in Luban, I can’t adjust anything. The heated bed temp, the setting for Skirt-Ramp-etc, the size setting is in percentage instead of MM which does not let me get a perfect size most of the time. Am I doing something wrong or is this just a piece of garbage?
And on top of that, when I did try and do a print the bed was about one inch from the nozzle. And that is after I calibrated the bed.
If you know anything that could help I would appreciate it.
You have to customize a print setting before you can make changes. In the printer settings, select the customize button, then copy an existing profile by hitting the + button. You can change your copied profile.
If you have Cura setup, I’d just use it. Ignore the stuff you don’t understand, the defaults are acceptable.
I’m not sure how you managed to get such a gap after calibrating. If you go through the calibration points again, is it correct? Cura will let you move things off the build plate, but Luban won’t. Can you post a link or the actual model? And maybe a screenshot of Luban in GCode preview mode on layer 1?
There isn’t a ‘+’ sign in the new versions.
It’s now the gear icon and then you make a copy of one of the default settings as your starting point.
Hi, clewis, thanks for getting back to me. The spacing issue was corrected after calibrating again. I don’t have a profile to import. How do I make one? I got Cuda to work so for now I will continue to use it.
There’s a thread about some Cura profiles on github, as well as a plugin that includes the SM extras (like an image) in the GCode.
I only have a v1, so I can’t say how well any of those work. I’m pretty happy with it on my v1 though.