Luban freezes while connecting to snapmaker

Hi everyone,

I have the following issue with a Snapmaker 2.0 350 and Luban 4.14:
When I try to connect from Luban to Snapmaker via Wifi I get a “Connecting…” pop up, but nothing else happens. It simply doesn’t connect.

I tried updating to the newest firmware (V1.20), which I had to do via USB, because it wouldn’t download the firmware either.

But snapmaker connects to my wifi. The router confirms snapmaker is connected. Luban finds the machine via wifi, it just doesn’t connect.
Using a USB cable also didn’t work. I’m not sure if there was a cable issue or if it’s a related problem.

Also, the snapmaker isn’t brand new, it worked before. I had to restart Luban someimes to get the connection online, but since about a week ago it stopped working at all. I installed the newest Version of Luban, but that also didn’t help.

Do your have any idea what else could cause the issue?

A very recent similar subject.

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Thanks for the topic recommendation. The difference is, snapmaker connects to my wifi repeater and I still can’t connect with Luban. It doesn’t seem to be a wifi problem.

Edit: as you can see in my screenshot, Luban even sees the machine.

If you can’t even download the firmware with the touchscreen it’s maybe a router issue.

I would try to install the firmware again and power cycle the machine after the “update is done” pop up.

If this doesn’t help, try to delete the cache of Luban and or reinstall it.

Well deleting the config file didn’t help.
I reinstalled Luban and realize I should have mentioned that I use it on a Mac.

I also deactivated the 5 GHz frequency band on the repeater.

I can’t say what helped, but as for now I could connect again. Thank you for your support!

Hi having the same issue as you also on a Mac.

I’ve tried the deactivation of the 5Ghz, but still sits there as your photo ‘connecting’ andy other suggestions??


Have you tried to delete and reinstall Luban?
I’m sorry, I also did just try and error my way through.