Luban/CNC dont show transparent image

When I insert a PNG image into Luban, it does not show that it is transparent, and when I work with CNC, on the left side of any image there is milling, as if the depth is wrong, and it is not… attached image

Does anyone have any advice on what I could look at?
I changed versions of Luban, but the same, I didn’t notice that before

Luban version is the latest 4.14.0

you can preview what the proposed work looks like in workspace preview. this will help show what the toolhead will actually be doing without wasting material. it certainly appears that the tool head thinks its supposed to be etching the lines. my first thought would be to load the image into an image editor and make sure its black and white and not greyscale and change background from transparent to white. make sure the image is what you think it is.

If you look at your second photo, you can see that Luban thinks there is a white rectangle. The background grid of Luban is hidden by this rectangle.
This is similar to a problem mentioned here recently when someone was try to cut an image on a cylindrical object.

Whatever I’ve tried doesn’t work, there’s always a white square in the background and you can’t see the Luban grid

Interestingly, not just images, even the letters that I make in PS, or Illustrator, and save as .png, will not be displayed transparently, and the letters that are integrated in Luban, they are transparent :frowning:

First, I’m not sure what exactly you want to achieve - do you want to have a rectangle milled around the Logo/Text, or do you just want to have logo/text engraved? I assume the latter.

One Option that comes to my mind is to load the images into Inkscape and use the Image-to-Path feature to create a vector path around the non-transparent parts of the image, then save it as SVG. With a vector path you have all kinds of flexibility.

Or, if you create the images yourself, you may create them directly in Inkscape and save as SVG.

You are right, I only want to engrave the logo/text

And this way as you instructed me, it works perfectly. I imported the image (.png) into Inscape and just saved it to .svg.

I don’t understand what the problem is with the .png format.

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I tried your method and while it does work to get rid of the background for the vector processing mode, the background remains for the relief processing mode. I wonder if this is a bug?

I don’t know, but I’d say Luban has a problem loading .png format…I’ll wait to see if an update helps.
For now, I’m using the recommended way with Inkscape. It works perfectly.

Perhaps with relief, make sure that the background is not transparent, but has the color of the highest relief point - I don’t remember, I think it was white. If it’s nopt white, it’s black :slight_smile: Admittedly, I’m just guessing here, no first hand experience.