Luban 4.14 won't load dxf file

Now that Luban doesn’t scale dxf files I wanted to switch back to eliminate the step of converting them to SVGs for the cnc or laser. But when I try to open the attached file I get an error telling me to use a supported file format.

The file is a dxf which should be supported? I’m exporting from Vectorworks, so wondering if there’s an issue with the export? Illustrator recognizes and opens it fine. Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated. Thank you - FAS

PS OK won’t let me attach the dxf file, but it is a .dxf

So Vectorworks gives me the option of exporting text or binary based dxf files, and text based will import (binary won’t) but the file is garbled. At this point I’ll assume it has something to do with how Vectorworks translates dxf and go back to my old routine of converting to .svg since that works.