Layer shifting on thingaverse model

Just printed this T-Rex shower head for grandson, and honestly it came out amazing with the exception of a single layer shift about halfway up the print in the Y axis direction. as this is just a single shift and the rest of the model above that point came out perfect, I’m not sure exactly where to begin trouble shooting the problem. I checked the slicer profile at that location and saw no obvious shift there. So I am assuming that it is a printer issue, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Hey, in the past there where multiple bad linear modules out there on the sm2.
I dont have a artisan, what speed did you print?

  • Travelspeed
  • Printspeed

I see at least two layer shifts. Are you sure that your buildplate was not moving?

Is the layer shift in one direction only? - Which direction? - More photos?

I am a user like you and no snapmaker staff.

okay you are correct there was another layer shift closer to the top however no where near as much as the first shift very minor shift as for speeds
Print speed 100 mm/s
travel speed 120 mm/s
the build-plate is locked in solid on the Artisan, don’t really feel that would be the cause , because there would be more shifting if that was the case ( I think). Yes the layer shift is only in the one direction on the Y axis

Did you slice your gcode with Luban?
If so, i suggest to email support and look what happens.

In the meantime try traveling 20mm/s slower.

The Artisan has belts in the rails, isnt it?

actually it was sliced in cura, yes I believe the y rails are belt driven. And yes I think I will slow it down to 80 mm/s

If you print this with luban i would guess it could be warranty but i dont know the speeds in Luban…