I’m trying to get started (again) on a project that has been put off for a long time.
I have a workpiece that is 13.55mm dia and an image I want to burn that is 100mm long.
When I open Luban and plug in those numbers, I come to a screen that shows an image area labeled 0 at the bottom, 50 in the middle, and has somewhat less than 25% of that area in a pink on pink hash, which I understand is the keepout so the laser does not hit the chuck.
What I’m trying to understand is exactly where is the top of this pink/pink area referenced to? Depending on the diameter of the workpiece, I can insert it in different depths in the chuck, so that can’t be it. It can’t be the outermost bits of the chuck, since the laser head would collide with the chuck. The only thing I can think of is that SM has set this to a point which is the farthest end of the chuck, plus half the diameter of the laser tube, plus something or other for safety.
None of this seems to be documented anywhere that I can find, so the above represents my best guess. I don’t like risking expensive hardware on “best guess.”
NOWHERE does it seem to be documented in the form of "The keepout area extends to XXmm beyond the tips of the chuck.
Can someone please confirm or correct my best guess, and tell me what this reserved area is exactly, referenced to wherever it’s referenced to?