Misalignment between laser and cnc in Luban

Hello all. I’ve got a weird repeatable issue. I create eg: a vector circle 35mm diameter. It is imported and placed in the centre of the work piece (40mm x 40mm). I burn the engraving, turn off the machine, change the tool to cnc. I adjust the Z height temporarily so when I tell it to go to the work origin, it won’t break my bit (as the laser is generally lower). Naturally, the cnc is off slightly to the laser’s centre as the different tool heads have different relative laser/cnc centre positions on the tools. I re set the origin to suit the cnc centre of the circle accurately. I even superimposed the cnc circle on top of the laser circle to confirm that they were both in exactly the same position. They were. But when I started cutting the outside of the cnc, it was off centre from the lasered circle by a couple of mm. It has dome this repeatedly. The second time, I first cnc’d a 1mm hole and aligned the laser to the hole and subsequently also aligned the same 1mm cnc to the same hole when setting origins. It still was off? Any thoughts? It’s driving me nuts. If no-one else is having a similar issue, then I’ll know it’s just me. PS, all of this is in Luban.(*latest everything A350)

Luban is 4.8.1?

Yep - I continually have repeatability issues like this - it’s not just you. I don’t get much in the way of help, though. :frowning: Sorry - wish I could help. If you do manage to uncover the cause and/or get a solution/resolution yourself or from SM, please let me know!

Same boat but was on way older firmware, was doing a project last year that required CNC of wood first then lazer. It drove me nuts as well, never could figure it out I just kind of don’t do those anymore.