Lasercut Plywood

Hi, i want to cut Plywood to make “Schwibbögen”

I read the Ultimate Laserguide from Snapmaker… I testet it with 2,5mm and 1,5mm Plywood.

i tried the Settings with 120mm/min Workspeed and 100% and Passdeep of 0,4mm.

but i need for 2,5mm a Multipass for 8 or 9 times and then the Plywood isn’t complete cuttet.

Have someone an idea what can i do to cut it full…
i have the feeling that the laser have problems to cut in deeper segements…

I want cut fast as possible with best results…

Unfortunately the glue in plywood causes a problem for the laser, the cut through the first wood layer will be great, then it will sit forever tryign to clear the glue layer before it can move on. If you really want to use plywood it may take a lot more passes.
We like to find the limits so we went for it and managed to get through a 1/4" ply by shear force (I think we maxed Lightburn out at 50 passes), but it is scorched all around.

I use those settings to cut through 2.8mm plywood in 4 passes without too much problems. In your case, it might be a problem with the laser calibration and its focal length. In my case, i found that 25.2mm is the most appropriate one. Other focal lengths like 24.x required as much as 8 passes to cut through.

I recommend you to calibrate the laser again and try with the new focal length (at least for me, with each calibration the focal length changed).

@Jesi15 esi15

Ok Thank You. I understand the problem.

Can you give me an alternativ wood for Lasercut. Maybe one layer wood. I need wood what is minimum 1,5mm thick.


Thank you for your informations. Do you mean the calibrate function from the Snapmaker ? I do this before i start the Project. I can do this again. Do you use the “autofocus” or the manual fokus ? what do you mean withe “25,2mm is the most appropriateo one” ? the distance between laser and wood?

(sry for my bad english)

That’s because the auto calibration is a bit inconsistent - you’ll likely get better, more consistent results by going into the touchscreen settings and changing to manual calibration.

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Based on other threads people are having luck with Basswood, but that’s not to say that you can’t cut 1/8" ply. It’s all about the settings and testing samples.

If you want to cut thick sections of anything with laser, you really need to understand something about the geometry of the beam. It is not, as cartoons and scifi movies might have you believe, a cylinder of light at uniform intensity at every distance from the source. Rather, the beam has a “waist”, a region where the beam power has its greatest concentration. The cutting region of waist has a size in the X-Y plane, typically a circle of some radius, and it also has a height. Roughly speaking, it’s only the waist of the beam that cuts. Caveat: this is an enormous simplification of some moderately complicated physics.

If the height of the cutting region is shorter than the thickness of the material, you’re not going to cut without changing the height of the laser head. I have not delved into what G-code is being generated by Luban (what I assume you’re using), but given how awful that software is generally, I would not be surprised if it did not generate any change in height when cutting.

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Thank You all for your help!

@eh9 Hello ? My Snapmaker is a Lasersword… it can cut all :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

I can report progress… Today i tested it again. I cut 1,5mm plywood. but now i don’t use the Stepdown.

I was unhappy about my testings yesterday so i used the following Settings:

100% Laser
8 passes…

And burn…after 30min i have a look at the burner and i can’t believe it :smiley: the Plywood was ready after 3 passes :smiley:
After this i tried again with 3 passes and the same settings and it worked :smiley:

Now i understand a little bit more of the Laserworld.

Chrismas is saved and the hole family can get the “Schwibbögen” :slight_smile:


I cut 3 and 4 mm poplar plywood with following settings:

3 mm poplar: 150 mm/min, 10 passes, -0.25 mm per pass, 100% power
4 mm poplar: 150 mm/min, 14 passes, -0.25 mm per pass, 100% power

Got a very nice result with very litte burn/smoke on top

Do you have the regular 1.7W laser module? Or did you upgrade to the 10W?

These settings are for the 1.7 W Laser.

In the meantime I upgraded to the 10 W Laser. With this the cuts can be done in one round (mostly).

The 40 watt is amazing! :slight_smile: