Laser height way too high

When I initially calibrated the laser, all worked fine. Then out of the blue, the “laser height” became 71.000 mm, and I cannot work in “auto mode” any longer. I do not recall what the height was originally, but it was certainly not 71 mm.

I attempted to recalibrate using the supplied 1.5 mm board. In the first step, I lowered the tool head down so that the hood was just off the material. However, prior to engraving, the tool head raised back to the original, too-high position, making the laser completely out of focus so that nothing is engraved, and of course the calibration fails.

Updating to firmware versions 1.12.1 (20210419) did not fix the issue.

Any suggestions?

The photos below show where I set the height prior to calibration and the height from which it attempted to engrave the calibration lines

Thanks to @dstarke for posting the tech support manual. Pages 24 to 25 describes how to fix this issue. (I couldn’t find the option to manually set the laser height)

Now back to a reasonable height

Laser Calibration Fails
If the Laser Calibration doesn’t go well, the Touchscreen will display Failed.
Possible Causes

• The laser is too high.


Two options are available.

  1. Redo auto focus. Tap Failed, slide the scale left to select the leftmost line, and tap Save. The screen should go back to the main menu. Tap Calibration. If the problem persists, repeat the steps until calibration succeeds.

  2. Change the Laser Height manually. On the Touchscreen, tap Failed > Settings > Laser > Adjust Laser Height. Set the Laser Height to 23.0mm and then recalibrate. If the Touchscreen keeps showing Failed, and several lines fail to be burned, then lower the laser height (to 21.5 mm or 19 mm, for example), and try again.