Hi all,
I was thinking that the laser was a perfect solution for engraving the back of phones like Iphone or Ipod.
It is plastic (I guess) looking like metal so I was thinking to engrave them.
But surprisingly, even at 100%, the laser do not do anything to the surface (case).
Anyone have an idea ?
I tried at 70% end 100% laser power.
I have not tried to do such a thing to an iPhone. I guess you could treat the case like Acetate and paint it with a black whiteboard pen and see if that works,
The first Snapmakers were shipped with a 200mw laser. The latest Snapmakers have the 1600mw laser. If you look at the photo for the laser unit in the Snapmaker Store you will see that it has 1600mw written on the front of the laser case see https://store.snapmaker.com/product/laser-module
We are not informed about the performance of Your laser, but there will be no significant differences as far as the reflection of the beam is concerned.
My laser is a 200mw instead of the new 1600 mw.
As discussed with doug, the back of the iphone do not create a real full reflection.
Furthermore there is a lot of people using laser engraving on iphone so i guess it is more an issue of laser power than reflection.
Hi all,
Iām back with some more details experiences.
I tried to put black ink, or black board maker on the case in order to engrave it but with no clear results as you can see on the picture .
(I tried to engrave the case with the letter āNā)
Iām still wondering if it is a matter of laser power or more material issue ā¦
I have a similar issue, nothing comes out of laser on the back of the mobile. Tried with all settings with 200 and 1600 module. Anyone had luck to do ?