Laser cutting/engraving Using MacOSX , alternate programs

I’m getting ready to test out the laser cutting/engrave portion of my A250, but the Luban software leaves a lot to be desired in getting the image ready to engrave. Anyone aware of either a cura mod or another program that would allow better control over the laser g-code?



Lightburn is what I use and it works well.

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If you’re just trying to convert color to b&w and adjust grayscale/contrast etc. then Gimp works really well (and it’s free).
It has a menu choice called “color to gray” that lets you adjust a bunch of parameters easily. You still will need Luban to create the toolpath.
It will take some practice and trial and error to get the results you want.


Thanks, I’ve used Gimp for years so that’s an idea. I’ve downloaded Lightburn and will give it a go.

Your final output won’t be any better using Lightburn. However the user interface is more friendly and has some functions that may make the path to get there easier.

I recommend taking a small sample (10-15mm square) of your art and repeating it 5-10 times with a range of settings for speed or power to help dial in. Then decide if you want to repeat with a narrower range of settings.


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