Laser Cutting 2.5mm thick plywood

Hi all,

I wanted to cut a 12inx12in 2.5mm thick plywood sheet on my new Snapmaker 2.0 A350, using the parameters given by this guide:

Which were 1500mm/s Jog Speed, 120mm/min work speed,
Multipass 3x -0.5mm with fixed power @100%

This should take about 7 years to complete, according to the header:
;Header Start
;header_type: laser
;renderMethod: line
;file_total_lines: 110332
;estimated_time(s): 228400048.6159541
;max_x(mm): 139.86040649414062
;max_y(mm): 140.41
;max_z(mm): 0
;min_x(mm): -140.36
;min_y(mm): -139.92554443359376
;min_z(mm): 0
;work_speed(mm/minute): 120
;jog_speed(mm/minute): 1500
;power(%): 100
;Header End

I then tried using the parameters from this thread: Laser cutting plywood

Which were 3000mm/s Jog Speed, 300mm/min work speed,
Multipass 4x -0.25mm with fixed power @100%
this job would take about 16-17 days to complete.

;Header Start
;header_type: laser
;renderMethod: line
;file_total_lines: 147092
;estimated_time(s): 1443979828.6039941
;max_x(mm): 139.86040649414062
;max_y(mm): 140.41
;max_z(mm): 0
;min_x(mm): -140.36
;min_y(mm): -139.92554443359376
;min_z(mm): 0
;work_speed(mm/minute): 300
;jog_speed(mm/minute): 3000
;power(%): 100
;Header End

Since the part had some fine features, I wanted to complete it using laser cutting to avoid the limitation of tool diameters and such that a CNC machining would incur. As long as it is cut, I do not mind burnt edges since these will be hidden by 3D printed parts by design :slight_smile: Does anyone have some tips and tricks for me?

I’ll be awaiting your answers!

PS: I cannot post a pic of the part since I’m a new user ^^"

Even the second time seems pretty impractical. Does it make any sense to CNC any of the job at all? Obviously you will need to be creative with part placement and work origin in order to switch heads and ensure alignment.

I’m thinking you could use a bracket on the wasteboard to ensure part placement. And maybe laser cut on to the waste board… I’m sure somebody’s going to try this at some point it seems obvious. Then you could perhaps leave some stock in the corner as a registration point for your work origin. Then you could turn the laser on low power, and align it precisely.

I think I’ll either do it somewhere else or simply 3D print the part using wood PLA :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for the tip!