Laser camera capture quality Setting "31"

Can someone tell me what the default “31” quality setting is vs changing that number to anything else. I have run about 6 different numbers here and the image is the same regardless of the quality number I put in. What is the point of this setting if it doesn’t do anything?


Great question, I also am curious what this setting is and means.

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I could not find anything about this issue in the online manual nor here on the forum.
Eager to know what it does…

And what is the possible range of values?

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I used 1 for best quality, 100 is worst quality.

That’s quite interesting. I’ll check it out next time I switch to laser.
Is the difference in quality big?

Ill try that next time i have loaded up the laser. Thats a very odd way of setting the quality, 1 being the best? you would think it would be 100.

Well im not sure the results others will have but i see zero difference between 1 quality, 50 quality and 100 qualities. All produce the same exact image. Back to my original question, what the hell is this setting for if it does nothing?

I see that a higher number needs less time for capturing and has worse quality. I guess i took 254 for example.

I think the difference in the lower segment of numbers is the captured rate of pictures. In a higher segment there is a difference in picture resolution.

I have just been comparing the 1.6W with the 10W on the SM 2.0.
On the 1.6W the lowest number seems to be 18 (maybe 17). At 16 it moves to the first position (of the 9 to capture the whole bed) and doesn’t do anything after that. The highest number seems to be 255. The resolution seems to be identical, but it is the JPG compression quality that improves with the lowest number.
Likewise with the 10W, but you can get away a lowest setting of 1 or 2 (‘highest quality’).