Is a consistent first layer across whole of A350 build plate actually possible?

agree totally

if they send me a new platform and it fixes, awesome.

what it does tell me if that’s the issue then the ABL (pretty certain we don’t have UBL) can’t cope with sort of deformation some of us see. I have seen old marlin posts for other machines with large bed plates and githib issues that are similar, mostly seem to have died off with the move to UBL…

anyhoo, i am fine waiting on support

oh and for folks asking why is this an issue here is a benchy in the center

and a benchy on the same print job in another part of the bed

as you can see, a vast difference in extrusion (yes i know the first is not the best either, point is comparative)

and this is what they look like after i let the first 4 layers complete

this is better than before the y rails change when i printed many objects and one went spaghetti on me and affected the other models, lol, forgot to take a picture.

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