Invoices of snapmaker EU warehouse?


I am using a F350 which I extended with laser and cnc. This works pretty well but I often need to use laser and printer at the same time. So I decided to buy another, smaller, snapmaker. I ordered an a150 without reading the specification… No rotary module supported there… So I want to resell it and buy an a250. But for sure, I want to add the invoice for the next user. But I cannot find any invoice. No paper in the boxes, no pdf on emails.
And then I searched for the invoices of my F350, my 10W laser, my rotary: no invoices at all.
I ordered all of them from eu warehouse and for sure, something was delivered directly from China, but no invoices…
Is this normal? I. Just have order confirmations and shipment mails. In my personal profile on is also no way to download invoices.

What is your experience?


  1. there is no invoice either in paper form or as a PDF.
    (You can see the data when you log in with your account on Snapmaker EU Store).
    "Small tip, I have in case the server crashes simply made an image copy of the order including the data".
  2. to your thought " So I want to resell it and buy an a250. but for sure, I want to add the invoice for the next user".
    The warranty is only for the original purchaser, here is the text from Snapmaker:
    "Only the original purchaser is entitled to claim a warranty."

To read it here under General the second sentence :

Wow. That’s really bad service. So I have to communicate between my buyer and snapmaker for two years?
I am not sure that this correspond to european law and their sustainability and warranty interests. I will challenge a lawyer with that.

I had the same issue and requested the invoice after delivery. They sent me one via email as PDF.

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