"Inverting" the Snapmaker installation and especially the housing

Hello all,

since a couple of days I am a proud owner of a snapmaker A350 including the housing and have started to assemble it, try some first pieces and I am now preparing it for the final location in my small workshop.

I just started to assemble the housing and figured that unfortunately the folding doors are on the “wrong side” for my workshop. If I assemble the housing as in the manual the folding door on the long side and on the short side are showing towards the walls.

I was therefore wondering if there would be a possibilty to invert the installation of the Snapmaker - and especially the housing.
Moving the snapmaker electronics to the left instead of the right (this is probably the easiest).
So that instead of the doors being on the right side (looking from the front) having the door on the left (long side of the housing).
Having the front sliding door opening from the left instead of the right (looking from the front of the machine).
For the doors I see the issue that the beams have for example the magnet and therefore moving the location seems a bit challenging.

Does anyone of you have a similar issue?
Do you have any suggestions how to solve this issue?

Thank you very much!