Information on Laser Safety - Air Venting or Filtering

False. You have no idea what I sent to the YouTubers. I never said to anyone that Snapmaker products are unsafe. The purpose was to get answers and raise awareness that it isn’t safe to vent the Air Purifier exhaust indoors. I contacted 4 and heard back from 2. One of them indicated that he reached out to Snapmaker. Shortly after this YouTuber responded to my e-mail indicating that he would reach out to Snapmaker, we received a response from Snapmaker.

Also false. I did not contact any press organizations.

Why did I reach out to YouTubers? See here:

Snapmaker has had a quiet presence in this forum.

No. I’m not kidding at all. It seems like the people who are upset about this topic are missing my point. This isn’t about suing Snapmaker. As I have stated previously, I’m a fan of their products. This has been about a) obtaining answers to 2 questions about the product and b) raising awareness. You don’t have to agree with me. That’s fine. But, why would anyone object to asking Snapmaker to be more transparent about what the Air Purifier can and can’t do? In this case, the Air Purifier must still be vented outdoors, which to some is both a) counterintuitive and b) disappointing because it reduces the value added by the not-inexpensive filter.

Perhaps some of the people who are upset believe that Snapmaker should not be criticized. To that I ask, have you never thought to criticize a company for how it does business?

Some of the people who are upset have stated that this is all about suits and “legalese”. Some of the responses have stated that the users should take responsibility instead of putting the responsibility on the company. I didn’t make the rules or create the legal system in the United States. I only studied them in school. If anyone here doesn’t care for the state of affairs with respect to manufacturer liability in the United States, you should contact your lawmakers and ask for product liability reform. Until that happens, however, my point that Snapmaker needs to do a better job with marketing/messaging. That’s all I’m suggesting Snapmaker needs to do.

That’s your opinion and one I do not share. According to Merriam-Webster, hysteria is defined in this situation as: “behavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess”. There is neither unmanageable fear or emotional excess on my part. I’m raising awareness of an issue that I believe needs to be addressed by Snapmaker. That’s all. If there has been emotional excess, it has been from posts that either misunderstand my points/goal or are upset by the idea that a manufacturer can be held liable in the United States, neither of which I am responsible for.

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