Increase the size of SM 2.0 A150?

Hello everyone,

I bought a SnapMaker 2.0 A150 several months ago, and I would like to know if it was possible to increase the size of the machine, by buying the linear modules of the A250 or A350, and replace them on my machine?

Thank you for your reply!

If it uses the same controller, it should be possible.

It is not. Snapmaker uses software check mechanism in newer versions which suppress usage.
In the default firmware it was working with the old linear modules. Later in it works with older linear modules but without any calibration working, but with new linears it won’t work anylonger.
If you want to get it Run, you will have to check the public source code and forge it to your needs. After lot of work, it should work like snapuser said.

Checks for what?? All A150/250/350 use the exactly same controller and touchscreen. The ONLY way it can differentiate what machine you have is by the linear module lengths. Plus you can always select/override which machine you have in Luban settings menu, and export the gcode accordingly. I would be extremely surprised if JUST changing the modules did not work.

You can try it. I built the scenarios with the written results. I think the lead screw stuff added some consistency check.

You can try it yourself and report your results too.

I had no time to search in deep and had no need because i have an a150, a250 and a350 and can just swap between the machines.