How to heat the bed to remove skirt

Forgive me if this post is a nuisance to anyone, because the information is so obvious. I am new to 3d printing, and the Snapmaker 2.0 with Luban are my first experience. I was having trouble removing the skirts after my first 4 - 5 prints, and saw recommendations for heating the bed to soften the material and remove it. I searched all over this and other forums to find instructions on heating the bed (or nozzle) without starting a new print, but couldn’t find them. I searched for instructions on using Luban. I watched videos of other slicers. I could see that Luban was monitoring the temperatures, but couldn’t manually change those temperatures… ok you don’t need all the details, but I eventually figured this out by trial and error.

If you are struggling like I did, in the Workspace screen of Luban there is a console window for commands. M140 is the command for bed temperature. Type “M140 S60” to set the bed temperature to 60 C. M104 is the command for nozzle temperature, so “M104 S200” would set the nozzle temp to 200 C. It seems so simple now that I have done it.

If anyone knows of tutorials for using Luban, I would love to have that resource. Thanks.

On the touch screen you can also swipe from the right to left and choose “Control” where you can turn on the heating, move the print head around etc.

What I find an easy way to work: bend the printsheet and at the same time use the spatula (or your fingernails) to get it a bit loose and then slide the spatula underneath to completely remove it. Shouldn’t be to hard stuck to the bed, if it is tray raising your z-offset 0.05mm

Thanks. I had not figured out that I could swipe to controls on the touchscreen. If I send a file to the printer, then use the adjustments button to adjust the z axis for that print, will the machine remember that adjustment for all future prints?

I think it does, but I usually double check and if I’m not happy I usually recalibrate so it starts a bit higher by default.

Thanks for your help. Can’t believe I never realized you could swipe on the touch screen to get the controls. SMH.

glad you found it mate :smiley:

keep on having fun!

If you experience difficulties in getting the skirts off from the build plate, you might need to check your Z-axis calibration. I had difficulties with skirts and parts sticking too well to the build plate when I used the calibration with the card as instructed.
I have now raised the Z-axis 0.15mm after the card calibration and now everything pops off easily without any residue whatsoever.

I have also raised the z axis now, and it appears to have helped. Thanks.