Hotend Nozzle dimensions or compatibility


can anyone tell me wether the MK8 or other Nozzel compatible with the Artisan Hotend?
or does anyone know the exact dimensions of the nozzle including the thread dimensions?


The nozzles for Artisan are the same as for the J1 printer.

like these:

BROZZL Düse für Snapmaker J1 + Artisan Messing 0,4 mm Durchmesser : Küche, Haushalt & Wohnen

Or these:

Ersatzteile für Snapmaker 3D Drucker - 3DJake Deutschland

Thats nice, the second Link shows that the MK8 Nozzels be compatile,
for this i have the exact dimensions.


I’m currently using MK8 Diamondback nozzles.