Help: Set Up and Run Developer

I am a software developer who is interested in contributing to Snapmaker Luban. I purchased the Snapermaker 2.0 and love what it can do but could see several improvements in Luban. I’d love to contribute ideas and even development work to see the success of Snapmaker and Luban grow.

That said, I’m having a difficult time getting Snapmaker Luban set up and ready for development. The Readme guide on GitHub is not very detailed. I set up npm, gulp (which it doesn’t even mention), and node.js. I cloned the repo to my local computer. I started the build process and it told me I needed python (which also isn’t mentioned in the readme). Finally, after getting python installed and running gulp default again, it errors out saying I need Visual Studio. I have Visual Studio Code (VS Code, a lighter version of Visual Studio), can Luban not be developed on VS Code?

A more in-depth guide to setting up a development environment, and listing out the major packages/installations that are required, would be very helpful. I’d love to contribute to the community.

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You’ll most likely have more success posting your challenge in having it set up to the Github issues.
The developers aren’t actively following up on this forum and their habitat is Github.

You first contribution can be to have the instructions that are in the repository updated :wink:

I thought about that but I didn’t want to create clutter the GitHub issue list with something that wasn’t actually an issue with the software. I’ll give it a go, though!

I was thinking the exact same thing - if I ever get this running, the first thing I’ll do is update the developer set up instructions :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s the first PR from every new developer: Update the with the problems you had following the existing process. :smiley:

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ROTFL :wink: @clewis, that’s a really solid suggestion and something I’m going to steal for other projects. I cannot believe that I haven’t thought of this before.

I added a “PR-welcome” label here. Since we may have different developer environment, I haven’t meet issues like need to install python (My OS has python pre-installed and I use pyenv to manage several python versions on my local machine). And VSCode is NOT a must to develop Luban, we use different IDEs like VSCode / Atom / WebStorm, of course you can have your own choice.

If you have any problems when setting up the project, feel free to ask / open a PR improving it. We will update document periodically as well.

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